Friday, February 1, 2013

Training and Dietary Philosophy to Get Strong

I'm going to write this based on a request to outline what I did/do to achieve a 375 lbs. bench press at a body weight of 165.  For the record, my actual best is 385 at about 170, but that was a lot longer ago.  The 375, I did about 1-2 years ago.  

First of all, my training philosophy is based mostly off of Mike Metzer's Heavy Duty training.  This means that I train only one body part/region a day and only once a week so that there's plenty of time for recovery. The intensity level is pretty high during my training and I achieve this through the use of progressive resistance training fundamentally. 

Progressive resistance training is simply that...each set progressively being heavier than the one before it.  I start out typically with a warm-up set or two just to get the blood flowing, but then start increasing the weight (resistance) accordingly such that I do a set of about 8 reps on the next set finished by a set of about 3 reps. Now the 8 reps and the 3 reps are pretty much where that's about all I can do if at all.  Thus, I have to set up the weights to get me to the point of failure (the only time 100% intensity is achieved IMHO).  It's best when I have a spot, but I've learned to be able to push through without one given the years I've been training.

As far as sets are concerned, I do about 3-5 sets per exercise and about 4-5 exercises total per day targeting a given area.  I also do lower back and abs regularly to help build up and support my core. 

Here's what my schedule typically looks like:
Monday - Chest 
Tuesday - Back
Wed - Legs 
Thurs - shoulders
Friday - Arms

One thing I do use when I train is a belt.  I don't like how power lifters have their gut hanging out past their pecs from blowing out on such heavy weights, so I rely on a belt to help keep things tucked in tight.  I also use straps for training my shoulders, arms and back just to be able to support weight that my joins and forearm couldn't otherwise handle.  

As for diet, it varies depending on my goals, but if i'm trying to get strong, then I don't manage my intake too much.  The key is just to make sure I don't starve my muscles.  Plenty of protein (1.5 to 2x body weight in grams per day).  I also like to use meal replacement powder, and this can vary as to effectiveness, but I'm old school so Met-Rx is fine for me (especially from an economic standpoint).  Lastly, the only other supplement I believe in based on results is Creatine.  The new type is what I'm using now, but the old powder was good too.  

Hope this helps....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Friday Through Today

My consistency with blogging needs work, but I do like having a journal of my workouts and training.  In fact, I probably should look over my journal last year since I'm interested to see how much different I'm training this year vs. last.  I think this year, I'm actually gaining size vs. losing weight.  I've been training with some heavier weights here and there, and I think I've grown as a result.  Now most people would probably want the additional growth, but I'm not sure I do.  I still prioritize cycling, but I've been also trying to keep weight lifting interesting.  Maybe after I come back from my vacation, I'll reset and actually work on a very specific goal. 

Friday, I skipped my morning workout and rode my bike to work.  I added a couple extra miles in doing so.  I didn't work out at lunch because we had a picnic with our group, so I rode my bike to it since it was probably just a mile or 2 away. 

On Saturday, I didn't work out at all and ate a little more in order to prepare for my ride on Sunday.

Sunday, I rode with Shannon for 67 miles with 5000+ feet of climbing burning some good calories. 

Yesterday, I was still feeling a little tired (as was my back), so I opted to skip my morning workout and train with weights at work.  I did my chest and tried to see where I was again strength-wise.  After a couple warm-ups, I knew my strength just wasn't there but I gave 335 on the bench anyway only to fail miserably.  HA HA.  Now some may feel that this type of failure sucks, but to me, it motivates me to work towards improving upon it the next time where it's not such a bad thing.  At least I got to see how it felt.  I also did 20 minutes on the stationary bike with about 15 minutes at full intensity (level 20).  I worked up a good sweat in that short period of time.

This morning, I got my back worked out and it was pretty good albeit the weight amount (or resistance) was still all over the place.  It was a decent workout nonetheless with 4 exercises for the back with 3 sets each.  I also did my lower abs. 

For lunch, I hope to get a decent ride in with the guys.  I'm not sure what route we should take today, but I'm thinking I may want to pull back on how hard it will be only because I'll be riding down to San Diego tomorrow.  Chances are, however, someone will want to do a lot of hills.  We'll see.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Shoulders and Cyclng

I worked out my shoulders this morning and decided to keep it really light after last week's injury.  I also stayed seated for my dumbbell raises and all went well this morning.  I think my shoulders don't look as tight as they typically do, so I REALLY need to lose some weight.  HA HA.  I also worked my lower back and lower abs this morning.

For lunch, I hope to get a decent bike ride in.  I did wake up this morning where I felt yesterday's run more than I did yesterday, so I don't know how my legs will hold up.  I'll still push it as much as I can just to get some good training in. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Just a Morning Run

I was torn this morning as to what I wanted to do for a workout.  I was invited to go out for lunch, so I only had one for today so it was between working out my legs or running.  I haven't ran yet this week, and I won't have any time to do so except this morning, so I opted to do that.  I know I also want to or need to train my legs, but based on my current goals, a run would be more suitable as well.

I ran about 5.8 miles in 50 minutes with a 3 minute cool down totaling over 6 miles in the end.  It was at a faster average pace than I've been doing, so it seems like I'm making some improvements despite only running once a week.  I wonder if I'll be feeling it later on.  Oh well.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Catching Up Again

I haven't blogged since Thursday, but that doesn't mean I haven't exercised.  It just means I've been too lazy to write what I've been doing. 

On Thursday, I wasn't able to ride since I still had problems with my mid-back that made it uncomfortable to move certain ways and even to breathe.   Instead, I did get some cardio by getting on the spin bike and taking it easy. 

On Friday, I woke up like I was going to the gym and would have worked my arms.  However, I could still feel the tightness on my back where  I didn't want to chance aggravating it more.  Instead, I went back to bed.  I did spin again on Friday and by that time, I felt better than when I spun on Thursday so I kicked it up a little more.

On Saturday, it was our crazy ride and all I can say about it was that was the worse cramping I ever had.  I definitely could have prepared better for it, but I knew having been on a Met-Rx diet for the last two weeks wasn't going to fare well for me.  Oh well, I still had "fun."

Sunday, I rested and didn't do a thing.

Yesterday, I woke up early like I was going to the gym, but I decided I was going to skip cardio to recover more from Saturday.  I could have done cardio, but I thought I'd rest a little and back in bed I went.  I did work chest at lunch yesterday, and I decided I'd go heavy just because I wanted to see where I was strength wise.  I managed to put up 325 lbs. on the bench after hitting 315 just before.  I think if I went straight from 275, I may have been able to hit 335.  Maybe I'll find out next week. 

Today, I got in and got my back worked out.  Unlike yesterday where I did mostly progressive resistance sets, I went back to pyramid sets but did do some heavy back.  I don't really know why I'm doing this because it never helps my cycling, but I think it keeps the weight training interesting for me.  Maybe I'll go back to straight light sets again someday when I'm motivated to do well at a race.

For lunch today, it'll be a ride with the guys.  I'll train on my Cervelo since I plan to use that next month at the Pasadena Gran Fondo.  I will use my carbon wheels to train on, but I'll likely go back to my Eastons for the actual event. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Resting, Back, Getting Hurt, and We'll See

I rested yesterday since I was feeling tired from the training on Monday and Tuesday.  Plus, it was my birthday where I just wanted to recover.  My calves were feeling a little worked from my Monday run, which caused a major cramp on my Tuesday ride, so I thought I'd actually give my legs a break.  I didn't even do weights.  Wow.

I did make it in to the gym this morning, and my plan was to stay light.  I felt good from the rest and was going to try to get a lot of reps in to get a good work out.  On my 3rd exercise, front dumbbell raises, I was on my 2nd set when all of a sudden I felt something where I had to put the weights down.  I couldn't localize where exactly, but all I know is I couldn't breathe.  Now that my adrenalin is back down, I think a muscle in my mid-back got a little strained.  I tried to resume the exercise, but couldn't so I only finished up with one more exercise and a lower ab set. 

I'm sitting here writing this wondering if I'll be able to make it in to work today.  If I am, I also wonder if I'll be able to ride at lunch.  I'm going to have to make these assessments after trying to roll out my back and seeing if that helps.  Oh I hope it does.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weekend Overtraining, Yesterday and Today

Overtraining can be defined a couple ways:  training to the point where one doesn't give muscles or the body enough time to rest to recover OR training beyond what the body can supply in the form of fuel.  On Saturday, I pretty much experienced both.  After training every day last week with both cardio and weights, I thought I'd be able to do a ride to my sister's house on Saturday since it was only 60 miles away.  I did opt to take a hillier route, and I probably should have pulled back some earlier, but I was being dumb.  On top of the training, I've been on low carbs the whole week including the Friday night before, so by the time I was in the canyons, I felt like I was completely out of fuel.  The honey gels helped but after more climbing, I bonked on the trails parallel to the 91.  I made it to a gas station there just as I noticed my front tire was flat, so after having a Pepsi and fixing my flat, I was ready to finish the remaining 11 miles.  Admittedly, I had called Lisa to pick me up there since I felt so flat, but I changed my mind and pushed on.  By the time I arrived at my sister's house though, Lisa said I looked like I had no color.  My ears also wouldn't stop popping for a couple hours, which after doing some research on the Internet says I had just way overdone it.

I was going to ride my bike down to San Diego on Sunday but my above experience was enough to knock some sense into me.  I ended up driving down with Lisa, but I did go bodyboarding.  I did eat more this day though, so I didn't feel too depleted.

Yesterday, I worked my chest in the morning and ran 6 miles later in the afternoon, which means the training has resumed.  I also ate pretty good, so I guess I'm back to normal.  Going into this weekend, however, I will pull back on Friday and get some rest in preparation for a big ride on Saturday.

Today, I trained my back and got my core training in.  I was going to follow my mode of throwing in a heavy set in each of the exercises performed, but I went back to just light and fast with lots of reps.  I should know better that working heavy will mean more responsiveness to the intensit, which my muscles may respond to more in the form of growth.  That will just mean my cycling will suffer as it had the year before. 

I do hope to get a ride in at lunch today after being off the bike for the last 2 days, so I'm hoping I do okay at lunch.  My legs are feeling a little tired from yesterday's run, but I'll suck it up and do what I can.