Thursday, June 21, 2012

Resting, Back, Getting Hurt, and We'll See

I rested yesterday since I was feeling tired from the training on Monday and Tuesday.  Plus, it was my birthday where I just wanted to recover.  My calves were feeling a little worked from my Monday run, which caused a major cramp on my Tuesday ride, so I thought I'd actually give my legs a break.  I didn't even do weights.  Wow.

I did make it in to the gym this morning, and my plan was to stay light.  I felt good from the rest and was going to try to get a lot of reps in to get a good work out.  On my 3rd exercise, front dumbbell raises, I was on my 2nd set when all of a sudden I felt something where I had to put the weights down.  I couldn't localize where exactly, but all I know is I couldn't breathe.  Now that my adrenalin is back down, I think a muscle in my mid-back got a little strained.  I tried to resume the exercise, but couldn't so I only finished up with one more exercise and a lower ab set. 

I'm sitting here writing this wondering if I'll be able to make it in to work today.  If I am, I also wonder if I'll be able to ride at lunch.  I'm going to have to make these assessments after trying to roll out my back and seeing if that helps.  Oh I hope it does.

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