Friday, July 29, 2011

Last Night's Race, Arms Today and a Lunch Spin

I skipped yesterday's workout to save up for last night's race.  Based on my average HR from last  night, it was probably the most effort I've applied to date.  A few attempts to close the gap, 2 sprints, and a breakaway with Shannon were probably the main reasons for this.  Other than my lungs feeling like they collapsed, I felt pretty good after.  My legs held up without any cramps, and they didn't ever tighten up after either.  I guess I'm just getting used to it. 

I didn't sleep too well last night, but I still managed to get up and get in the gym to get an arm workout in.  Although I only managed to squeeze out 3 exercises (2 bis and 1 tri), it was still enough to get sweaty so the intensity was up there.  I could have done more, but I wanted to work my core this morning.  I got both lower back and abs done.

For lunch, I hope to get a mild spin in and save up for the ride tomorrow.  I'll sit in the back if anyone comes out, or just keep a mellow pace on a flatter route if no one else rides.  That's the plan.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Legs Skipped, Shoulders and Cardio

Going to skip my leg weight training again today in favor of resting them for tomorrow night's race.  I am contemplating changing things up next week where I'll train my legs Monday instead just so I can get them back on the weights, but I'm not sold on the idea yet since it can affect my cycling for the rest of the week.  Plus, it depends on how my ride goes from the weekend, so we'll see.

I got my shoulder workout on today, and although yesterday's intensity level only reached 9, today was definitely a 10.  I had a nice little sweat going, so I was pushing pretty hard today.  In fact, my right shoulder muscle is even twitching at the time of this writing.  I got 4 exercises done on the shoulders where I changed the order of what I typically do.   I also threw in a trap workout at the end for a fifth exercise. 

Although I have my bike at work, I will skip riding and get some cardio done in the gym at work instead.  This worked out okay last week, so I'm hoping to repeat the same things leading up to the race. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Back with Lunch Ride

Although I wish I could have slept in this morning, I opted to get up and get m back workout done instead.  Lisa joined me to go to the gym this morning, so that helped motivate me to go.  So did the cup of coffee.

I got my back worked out with 4 different exercises, and on a scale of 1-10, I'd say I was able to hit 9 intensity wise.  I tried to make it more intense, but some days just don't work out that way.  My wrists were bothering me on a couple workouts, but nothing too bad.  It was just enough to take away some of my focus during the sets.

I also got my core workout done, and I got to include my lower back unless during yesterday's lunch workout. 

I do plan on riding at lunch with the guys and will propose a double back bay or maybe a climb up turtle rock and shady finishing on the bike trail and Jamboree.  I hope it's intense as it'll be my last ride before the crit. 

For the rest of the week, I think I'm going to do Met-Rx for dinner vs. regular food.  I had regular food last night, and although it was good, I tend to not be eating as clean as I had been in the past.  I actually ate some rice albeit not a lot.  I still want to manage my carb intake at night, so Met-Rx will help me do this. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Last 4 Days

I missed my arm workout on Friday as a result of riding into work.  I had a good 25 mile ride on Friday.  I also rode my bike to our group's picnic, but that was only 3 miles away.

On Saturday, which is suppose to be my rest day, I ended up going bodyboarding with my brother-in-law for a couple hours.  We went to Salt Creek and although the waves weren't big, I burned some good calories.  I ended up going to lunch after and getting a Pastrama sandwich at The Hat in Lake Forest.  Not the best for me, but I think I burned enough calories earlier.

Yesterday, I got a good long ride in and I'm sure burned a lot of calories again.  When I got home, my stomach hurt and I had a hard time eating.  I still managed to get some food down, but not comfortably.   I did eat some junk just to get some calories in.

This morning, my stomach still doesn't feel 100%, so I skipped a morning workout.  For lunch, I hope to work out my chest at work.  I hope my stomach is good to go by then.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shoulders and Mild Cardio

Today is my regular leg day, but skipping again due to race tomorrow night.  They already feel pretty worked considering the last 3 days of hard riding, so a little rest should do them good.  I do intend to do a mild cardio at lunch time today, but nothing crazy.   Just low intensity to keep the fat burning going.

I just finished my shoulder workout, and I was able to bring the intensity up again unlike yesterday's back workout.  I did my 4 exercises where the focus continues to be on speed vs. strength.  In my opinion, speed is a full body thing, so I'm trying to have my shoulders get conditioned to performing the movements as fast as possible.  I add just enough resistance (i.e. light weight) to condition them accordingly.  I got a pretty good sweat going from these high rep sets.

I also managed to get my core training done with a high rep set of lower back and the same for abs.  My abs were a little tight where I thought they may cramp, but they held up.  Cool.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Neck, Rides and Workouts

As I mentioned on my blogs Thursday and Friday, I had slept wrong and had my neck (upper back) and sternum area were bothering me.  It didn't bother me for the race, but these areas continued to nag me over the weekend up through yesterday.  By yesterday afternoon, after taking the day off the rest some more, it finally subsided.  I was still able to get a good ride in on Sunday, a chest workout yesterday morning and a solo trainer yesterday, but my ability to turn my head has been limited due to the discomfort.   It probably didn't help that I did K1 cart racing with the kids on Saturday, which was a workout as well, but I didn't want to disappoint the kids.

Today's workout was on the back, and I was glad I could do all the exercises without any discomfort.  I managed to get in 4 exercises and continued to focus on speed vs. strength.  For some reason though, I don't feel like I got the intensity up as high as I normally could.  I may actually be tired.  HA HA.  Maybe I'll tone it down...tomorrow.

For today's lunch ride, I'm going to see what the guys have in mind as far as a route, but I'm looking forward to a ride with them.  Legs don't feel 100% after yesterday's solo ride and Sunday's barn burner, but after today, they'll get some rest and will hopefully be 100% for Thursday's crit. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Yesterday's Race, Friday Arms and Today's Lunch Ride

For yesterday's race, I felt pretty good and didn't really feel sore afterwards.  There were definitely moments that I felt worked, but when I looked around, it seemed those around me were in the same boat.  I think from a conditioning perspective, I'm in line with the competitive ones out there.   I just need more experience and work on a strategy. 

My neck was bothering me yesterday and limited my ability to look back to my left, but it didn't end up being too much of a factor.  I also felt like my sternum area would hurt in the morning when I'd breathe, but I didn't feel it during the race.  For today's workout, however, both were bothering me and my breathing was definitely impacted during each set.  I still managed to squeeze out 4 exercises and an ab workout, but it was not the most intense for sure.

I have my bike at work, so I do plan on getting a ride in during lunch time.  I'm ready to hit up some hills, but I'm open to whatever anyone else wants to do for a Friday ride.  Looking forward to riding with the guys.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Race Day

I had a good night's sleep courtesy of Xanax last night, but I almost couldn't get up this morning.  It didn't matter given I was planning on skipping my workout in anticipation of saving it for my crit race this afternoon.  When I did wake up, my neck and sternum were bothering me for some reason, but I'm going ahead with my plans to race anyway. 

I'm skipping my lunch time at work as well, and I hope to leave a little early to get to the race in time to sign up and warm up.  Lisa will be there with the kids to cheer me on, so I'm looking forward to it.   If anything, it'll be a great workout. 

I don't know if I have any tactics in mind other than what I learned from the last time.  I do expect to sign up for the Masters class vs. the open Cat4/5, just to see how I fair with guys my age or older.  It's a little intimating to think I'll be racing without any teammates, but doing so will probably help me figure out better strategies when we do it as a team. 

Diet-wise, I'm not sure what my plans are leading into this race.  My carb count has been fairly low the last couple of days, but I do plan on a decent serving of oatmeal before I leave for the race.  I'll probably take some shot blok tabs also just to avoid the cramping.  I'll be hydrating all day as well.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Shoulder Day and Cardio

I decided to skip legs today and work shoulders instead.  I haven't heard what the guys are planning to do with regard to tomorrow night's crit, so I figure I'd save the legs just in case.  Who know?  I might just go out and try the Masters class on my own if no one is interested.

I got 4 exercises in with high reps, fast explosive movements, and until failure.  I ran out of time on the last exercise where I only got 2 sets vs. 3 like the others. 

I also got my core workout on.  Lower back and abs...check.

For today, I plan on doing a light cardio to try and burn some fat and same my legs for tomorrow night.   Good enough.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Catching up - Thursday thru Today

Thursday's training was our 30 mile pre-death ride.  It was fairly moderate but on the way back, the pace was a little higher since we needed to get back.

Friday, there was no training and it was purely a rest day in preparation for Saturday. 

Saturday was the Death Ride.  9 hours of exercise and it absolutely wore me out mentally, physically, everything.  It was tough all around, but curiously, the end result wasn't too bad where the effects on the legs were pretty much limited only to that day and Sunday. 

Diet-wise from Thursday through Sunday was not ideal, but with all the calories that were burned on the Death Ride, I think mostly it was a wash.  Foods like pizza, cookies, chicken fried steak, were among the notable items I ate along with other snacks. 

Yesterday, I woke up to exercise in the morning, but decided to get back in bed since I didn't get a lot of sleep from our Tahoe weekend.  Thus, I skipped cardio for the day and ended up just having a chest workout during lunch at work.  I had a good workout, and I also got to work my abs.

Today, I worked my back this morning but only got 3 exercises in.  I was really groggy when I got up and wished I could have gotten back in bed.  However, I didn't want to get used to that, so I got my ass in the gym.  I did also work my lower back and lower abs as well.

Looking forward to getting out and riding at lunch time.  I'm ready to get back on the saddle and train with the guys again.  Hopefully, I'll get to improve some prior times for's all about Strava.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Holiday Training and Today

Saturdays are typically y day of rest, and while I didn't do anything strenuous, I did ride down to the harbor on my mountain bike with the wife and son for some breakfast.  It was about 11 miles of riding.

Sunday was the Como street ride and and an additional 30 miles making for 60+ for the day.  It was a good workout, and I'm glad the guys did the extra credit with me so that yesterday was a little more guilt-free.

Monday, I didn't get to do any weights and ended up going down to San Diego.   This was essentially my real day of rest, although I did do some walking and a little jogging (in slippers).  

Yesterday, I got a 60 miler solo in and it was nice to be able to do so at my own pace.  I got to work on form and really enjoyed just finding a rhythm that let me keep going with minimal stops.  My legs didn't feel bad after where I was able to play and body surf with the kids at the beach. 

Diet-wise on the above, I could have done better.  I was a little lax here and there, but I'll try and get back on track after this weekend.  Additional calories may not be a bad thing for this weekend.

For today, I got my chest workout done and it was nice to be back in the gym.  It'll be my only gym outing this week it seems, so I worked my ass off to hopefully make it count.  I also got my core training done.

For lunch today, I am going to bring in my bike but I'm not 100%  committed to riding.  I will if others want to go out for a spin.  Otherwise, I may opt to jump on an elliptical instead. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Shoulders and Lunch Ride

I got up a little late this morning as I didn't hear my alarm clock, but I still made it in the gym at my usual time.  Since I didn't have a lot of time, I wasn't able to drink my morning cup of coffee where I felt sluggish throughout my workout.  It was either that or the 3 days of Met-Rx for dinner and lower carbs is taking its toll. 

I did manage to get in 4 exercises for shoulders:  side  dumbbell raises, front dumbbell raises, rear shoulder machine and shoulder press.  It wasn't the most intense workout as much as I tried to make it so, but again I felt pretty sluggish.  I  also threw in a lower back exercise, but I ran out of time and couldn't get the abs in. 

For lunch time, I plan on riding with the guys and hopefully can do the whole route this time.   I need to work hard since I want to actually have real food tonight.  My glutes still hurt from Wednesday's workout, but it didn't seem to affect me too much yesterday.