Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Neck, Rides and Workouts

As I mentioned on my blogs Thursday and Friday, I had slept wrong and had my neck (upper back) and sternum area were bothering me.  It didn't bother me for the race, but these areas continued to nag me over the weekend up through yesterday.  By yesterday afternoon, after taking the day off the rest some more, it finally subsided.  I was still able to get a good ride in on Sunday, a chest workout yesterday morning and a solo trainer yesterday, but my ability to turn my head has been limited due to the discomfort.   It probably didn't help that I did K1 cart racing with the kids on Saturday, which was a workout as well, but I didn't want to disappoint the kids.

Today's workout was on the back, and I was glad I could do all the exercises without any discomfort.  I managed to get in 4 exercises and continued to focus on speed vs. strength.  For some reason though, I don't feel like I got the intensity up as high as I normally could.  I may actually be tired.  HA HA.  Maybe I'll tone it down...tomorrow.

For today's lunch ride, I'm going to see what the guys have in mind as far as a route, but I'm looking forward to a ride with them.  Legs don't feel 100% after yesterday's solo ride and Sunday's barn burner, but after today, they'll get some rest and will hopefully be 100% for Thursday's crit. 

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