Friday, July 15, 2011

Yesterday's Race, Friday Arms and Today's Lunch Ride

For yesterday's race, I felt pretty good and didn't really feel sore afterwards.  There were definitely moments that I felt worked, but when I looked around, it seemed those around me were in the same boat.  I think from a conditioning perspective, I'm in line with the competitive ones out there.   I just need more experience and work on a strategy. 

My neck was bothering me yesterday and limited my ability to look back to my left, but it didn't end up being too much of a factor.  I also felt like my sternum area would hurt in the morning when I'd breathe, but I didn't feel it during the race.  For today's workout, however, both were bothering me and my breathing was definitely impacted during each set.  I still managed to squeeze out 4 exercises and an ab workout, but it was not the most intense for sure.

I have my bike at work, so I do plan on getting a ride in during lunch time.  I'm ready to hit up some hills, but I'm open to whatever anyone else wants to do for a Friday ride.  Looking forward to riding with the guys.

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