Friday, July 1, 2011

Shoulders and Lunch Ride

I got up a little late this morning as I didn't hear my alarm clock, but I still made it in the gym at my usual time.  Since I didn't have a lot of time, I wasn't able to drink my morning cup of coffee where I felt sluggish throughout my workout.  It was either that or the 3 days of Met-Rx for dinner and lower carbs is taking its toll. 

I did manage to get in 4 exercises for shoulders:  side  dumbbell raises, front dumbbell raises, rear shoulder machine and shoulder press.  It wasn't the most intense workout as much as I tried to make it so, but again I felt pretty sluggish.  I  also threw in a lower back exercise, but I ran out of time and couldn't get the abs in. 

For lunch time, I plan on riding with the guys and hopefully can do the whole route this time.   I need to work hard since I want to actually have real food tonight.  My glutes still hurt from Wednesday's workout, but it didn't seem to affect me too much yesterday. 

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