Thursday, July 14, 2011

Race Day

I had a good night's sleep courtesy of Xanax last night, but I almost couldn't get up this morning.  It didn't matter given I was planning on skipping my workout in anticipation of saving it for my crit race this afternoon.  When I did wake up, my neck and sternum were bothering me for some reason, but I'm going ahead with my plans to race anyway. 

I'm skipping my lunch time at work as well, and I hope to leave a little early to get to the race in time to sign up and warm up.  Lisa will be there with the kids to cheer me on, so I'm looking forward to it.   If anything, it'll be a great workout. 

I don't know if I have any tactics in mind other than what I learned from the last time.  I do expect to sign up for the Masters class vs. the open Cat4/5, just to see how I fair with guys my age or older.  It's a little intimating to think I'll be racing without any teammates, but doing so will probably help me figure out better strategies when we do it as a team. 

Diet-wise, I'm not sure what my plans are leading into this race.  My carb count has been fairly low the last couple of days, but I do plan on a decent serving of oatmeal before I leave for the race.  I'll probably take some shot blok tabs also just to avoid the cramping.  I'll be hydrating all day as well.  

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