Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Legs Skipped, Shoulders and Cardio

Going to skip my leg weight training again today in favor of resting them for tomorrow night's race.  I am contemplating changing things up next week where I'll train my legs Monday instead just so I can get them back on the weights, but I'm not sold on the idea yet since it can affect my cycling for the rest of the week.  Plus, it depends on how my ride goes from the weekend, so we'll see.

I got my shoulder workout on today, and although yesterday's intensity level only reached 9, today was definitely a 10.  I had a nice little sweat going, so I was pushing pretty hard today.  In fact, my right shoulder muscle is even twitching at the time of this writing.  I got 4 exercises done on the shoulders where I changed the order of what I typically do.   I also threw in a trap workout at the end for a fifth exercise. 

Although I have my bike at work, I will skip riding and get some cardio done in the gym at work instead.  This worked out okay last week, so I'm hoping to repeat the same things leading up to the race. 

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