Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Holiday Training and Today

Saturdays are typically y day of rest, and while I didn't do anything strenuous, I did ride down to the harbor on my mountain bike with the wife and son for some breakfast.  It was about 11 miles of riding.

Sunday was the Como street ride and and an additional 30 miles making for 60+ for the day.  It was a good workout, and I'm glad the guys did the extra credit with me so that yesterday was a little more guilt-free.

Monday, I didn't get to do any weights and ended up going down to San Diego.   This was essentially my real day of rest, although I did do some walking and a little jogging (in slippers).  

Yesterday, I got a 60 miler solo in and it was nice to be able to do so at my own pace.  I got to work on form and really enjoyed just finding a rhythm that let me keep going with minimal stops.  My legs didn't feel bad after where I was able to play and body surf with the kids at the beach. 

Diet-wise on the above, I could have done better.  I was a little lax here and there, but I'll try and get back on track after this weekend.  Additional calories may not be a bad thing for this weekend.

For today, I got my chest workout done and it was nice to be back in the gym.  It'll be my only gym outing this week it seems, so I worked my ass off to hopefully make it count.  I also got my core training done.

For lunch today, I am going to bring in my bike but I'm not 100%  committed to riding.  I will if others want to go out for a spin.  Otherwise, I may opt to jump on an elliptical instead. 

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