Monday, June 11, 2012

Catching Up, Ride Analysis, and Today

It's been almost a week since I last blog, so what have I done since.

Wednesday, I rode in the morning with a couple guys and did a 28 miler.  At lunch time, I worked my shoulders at the gym.  Both were good workouts.

Thursday, I ended up staying in bed in the morning to start resting and then worked biceps at work along with a half hour of elliptical during lunch.

Friday, I did absolutely no exercises and had lunch with Lisa at work instead.  Noah and I had Carribean food as my pre-ride meal, but since my red snapper didn't come with a lot of carbs, I picked up a couple apple fritters after.  Totally unorthodox diet, but what can you expect when you hang with Noah?

For Saturday, I did the Ride around the Bear ride and had a pretty good outing.  It wasn't the fastest, but I got to do it pretty much at the pace I wanted to.  It's fun to ride with the guys, but I was totally happy just getting some hill climbing in on my own.  I passed a ton of people, got passed by a no more than a handful of people (no women or grey hairs - woo hoo) and finished the ride half hour sooner than in the past.  Granted it was a little lonely at times (especially during that dreadful climb up to Onyx), but I didn't have any cramps, my legs felt fine after, and I didn't have any problems with not having enough food.  I did it with less than 5 bottles of electrolytes, 1 package of shot bloks, 1 waffle, and 3 gels.  Not bad during the 6.5 hours of elapsed time.

I rested yesterday, although again, my legs were fine where I actually thought it would be nice to go for a bike ride with the family.  Instead, I lounged around just to give my lower back a rest.  It's been bugging me even before yesterday's ride, especially in the morning, so I thought I'd just keep off my feet as much as I can.

Today, I worked out my chest and will be resetting my diet in preparation for a trip I have planned for next month.  I was also working a little harder at the gym today and will probably mix it up with some heavier weights for a little while to change it up and stimulate the muscles differently.  I was sweating after, which made it quite apparent that I forgot to use deodorant this morning.  HA HA

For lunch today, I think I'm suppose to eat with the guys, but I'll be eating very light if I do.  I plan on going back to a mostly Met-Rx meal as much as my body can tolerate since my immediate goals are more aesthetic than performance, so we'll see how that works out for me.  I will try and get a run in today and if not at lunch, I'll do so after work just to keep this type of training up.

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