Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Morning Battle, Back Workout and Lunch Ride

Every morning is a battle to get up to go to the gym, but thankfully, most of the battles are won where I make it in vs. going back to sleep.  I probably could use a little more rest leading up to this weekend, but I think I should be able to do that toward the latter part of this week.  I always feel better when I get my workout done, and I get to through my day with less guilt from anything I may have indulged in the night before. 

I got in and got my back worked out with 4 different exercises, but only managed to work my abs after since the lower back machine I like to use was taken.  Like yesterday, I threw in a couple heavy sets within the exercises I performed just to keep it interesting.  I also focused on speed during my exercises concentrating on going from the top to the bottom of the movement as fast as I could.  It was a good one.

For lunch today, I plan to ride with the guys and continue to test out my Cervelo.  Since the chain dropped twice on me on Sunday, I really need to make sure it no longer happens.  Juan adjusted it again yesterday, so I'm hoping it will be good to go for this Saturday.  We'll see.

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