Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back Day and Hot Lunch Ride

It's nice to be back on track with the weight training this week.  Tuesday is my back day, and I made it in and got it done.  5 exercises and my core training (abs and lower back).   I reduced the amount of weights today to decrease the intensity and make the workout less anaerobic.  I focused more on just hitting the high reps without necessarily feeling like I worked the muscle to the point where they may grow.  Growth isn't bad, but it's just not what I'm looking for right now.

Today, the training day involves a flat route but with the likelihood that it'll be warm or hot.  This is actually ideal preparation for the OC Gran Fondo should the hot weather not go away by then.  Last year, it was really hot, so we need to be able to adapt to riding in this type of environment.  I hope we have a good turnout.

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