Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekend, Chest and Lunch Ride

The weekend ride was on Saturday, and it was rather an intense one.  Although only 50 miles, the burn rate was pretty high.  As a  result, I took a whole day off yesterday from any physical activity.  The odd thing was my legs felt like junk where a spin would probably have done them some good.  However, maybe the recovery would be better for them.

I got in a good chest workout this morning with 5 exercises.  I also got my core training in as well.  After yesterday's rest day and a not-so-great diet, the intensity was rather high today.  I'm not sure if I burned enough calories still though.

For lunch, I was planning on doing some cardio in the gym but I'm worried I'm not getting enough miles in on the bike.  I changed my mind due to this, so I'm now planning to ride during lunch and see if anyone is available to join me.  Today and tomorrow will be my cycling days, and then I'm resting until the Thursday crit.  Should be good.

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