Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sick and Just Trying to Survive

Had a decent solo ride on Saturday, but ran out of gas 3/4 of the way down to San Diego.  Having lowered carbs the week before, raced on Thursday and trained on Friday, my fate was sealed.  What made it worse was how I took my training for granted and decided only to bring 2 gels and 2 bottles.  I ended up pushing hard going through Camp Pendleton since a triathlon was going on and there were all sorts of guys on aero bikes on the path down to San Diego.  I had a blast taking a lot of them down.  However, this and towing all sorts of guys down Coast Highway seemed to have gotten me to a weakened state much sooner than I expected.  This was made worse by me going after a whole team who passed me on Del Mar just so I can reel them in and pass them as we went up Torrey Pines.  In the end, I felt so depleted that it took a lot of coke and the magical coke slurpee to be able to fully recover. 

Going to the beach and hanging out for 8 hours (bodyboarding for a good portion of that having gone out 3 different times) also took its toll.  The end result was my legs felt jacked up since then and still haven't fully recovered.  Further, all that time in the ocean left me sneezing, achy, and with a mad chest cold where I couldn't make it in to work on Monday.  All I did was stay in bed and sleep.  I never had a recovery day like that before. 

Since my legs still hurt, specifically my hams, glutes, ankles, and shins, I skipped my morning workout and opted to just train at lunch.  I worked my chest, but with my legs and lower back not feeling 100%, it was mostly just a sustaining workout vs. gaining.  I could not get any intensity going and my HR was just spiking despite this.  I guess I'm still sick.

I want to ride tomorrow but we'll see.  If my legs feel good in the morning, its on for lunch.  Otherwise, I may end up doing a mild cardio but even that I won't say for sure until I know how my legs feel.  I just know my cycling is going backwards with not having ridden since Saturday.  I guess we'll see.

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