Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekend, Chest and Lunch Ride Again

Since I attended my 25 year high school reunion this last weekend, it was not exactly the healthiest for me.  I left early on Friday and Lisa and I took off for Harrah's Casino where it was going to be held.  f course, the first thing we do when we get there is hit up the buffet and it pretty much went downhill from there.  Alcohol consumption was high again both Friday and Saturday.  I did get a training ride in on Sunday at least, and when I got back on Sunday, I got a cardio session in at the gym (too hot and windy to ride).  I ate better last night though.

Back in the gym this morning and hopefully back on track.  I had a good chest workout with 5 exercises and some ab training.  I thought about picking up the heavier training again, but I don't want to suffer on the bike.  I'll stick with the light weights for now.

For lunch, I am probably going to bring my bike in to get back on since I haven't ridden since Friday.   I hope there are others who can come out with me so I can push a little harder than when I'm alone.  Maybe I'll hit up some hills today.

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