Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Staying the Course

After having an off week last week, getting back on schedule is tough.  I didn't make it in the gym yesterday morning since I was tired from my ride on Sunday where cardio was just out.  I did get a chest workout yesterday, so that should be considered being back.

This morning, I didn't hit the snooze button, so I ended up getting up later than normal.  I was so close to just calling it and saving my energy for my lunch workout (ride), but it is such a slippery slope when I don't follow my regimen. Both my diet and my exercise program suffers when I allow exceptions.  Even though I ran a little late, I still managed to get a good back workout this morning.  The key element was having a focus, and mine is my desire to keep getting better on the bike.  If I stop believing that I can, then what other reason would I have to keep trying?  Whether or not I can is a different story.

For today's lunch ride, I hope we can get some good crit training.  My legs do not feel 100% recovered, but sometimes that just means they just have that much more to get conditioned to which is a good thing.  Looking forward to a good ride.

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