Friday, August 12, 2011

What a Week!

The title speaks for itself.  This is probably the first week that I skipped as many workouts as I did in contrast with all the other weeks of this year.   On Wednesday and Thursday, I was just so out of it that it was impossible to make it into the gym.  The funny thing is I woke up both mornings but ended up getting back in bed just to let my body recover more.  The weekend had such a lasting effect on me that I think this was the first morning I felt pretty normal.  Thank you Xanax for letting me have a good night sleep last night.  At least I was able to ride both on Wednesday and Thursday, but my stomach felt pretty jacked after each ride (still unsure why).  I hope the bug in my system finds its way out soon. 

I got my back workout done this morning, but I wasn't sure which body part I wanted to work originally.  I was thinking of skipping it and just doing either shoulders or arms, but I went to my back just to offset my crappy chest workout on Tuesday.  Maybe I'll do a makeup workout tomorrow if I have time and get my shoulders done.  I'm bummed that I didn't get to work my legs this week since I didn't race.  Oh well.

For my lunch workout, I again plan on getting a ride in to make up some miles for this week.  I don't really know what route I'd like to take, but I'll see if anyone else is interested in going and we can decide from there.    Hopefully, it's not too difficult so that I'll have enough for a Sunday run.  Not sure what we're doing, but worse case scenario:  Como St + extra credit. 

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