Thursday, December 22, 2011

Shoulder and Rest

This has been such a weird week weight training-wise.  Monday, I didn't have weight belt.  Tuesday, I only had one wrist strap.  I found the 2nd wrist strap in my car yesterday and put it on top of my gym bag last night, but I grabbed my gym bag this morning without putting it in.  Of course, all of these led to starting off each workout annoyed and also reduced weights, but I suppose I still got good workouts nonetheless...including today.  I got 5 shoulder exercises in along with my core. 

For lunch today, I'm actually going to skip and rest up for a big ride we plan to do tomorrow morning.  My legs were pretty worked yesterday after my spin bike training, and it took getting into my compression pants just to feel okay again.  I jumped in my recovery one as soon as I got home as well. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Leg Day and Self Spin

Another cold morning and hard to get going, but I managed to get in the gym and still get  good leg workout.  Warming up takes a while, but after some stretching exercise, I was able to light up my calves, quads and hamstrings.  My calves workout was pretty brutal and left me hobbling to the leg extensions to begin my quads.  All my exercises were super high rep and were also rhythmic where I tried to follow the music.  It reminds me of cycling so I used a focal point, worked my breathing, and just kept banging out the reps.  I had to pause before walking down the stairs to go home. 

For lunch, I plan to do a long spin (no class today), where I'll probably be on the bike for about 1.5 to 1.75 hours.  I'll be working on breathing, hills, some sprints, and just my cardio base, so I expect to be flooding the floors again.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Strapless Back and Lunch Ride

After having forgotten my belt yesterday, I get to the gym today and find that I only have one wrist strap.  Bummer!  I used my gym bag on Saturday for the ride, and I guess one of my straps had fallen out where hopefully it's just in my car.  I had to workout without any straps today, and it sucks to do so on back days.  With all the pulling done for back,  I need the straps or my wrist and forearms end up hurting.   I managed to get a decent workout without the straps, but the weights were even lighter than they typically are.  My lower back hasn't been too great since I rode Eddie's bike, so I was also taking it easy weight-wise as a result.  I still trained my lower back and abs though in addition to my back workout.

For lunch today, i plan on bringing my bike in for a lunch ride.  It'll be a ride up to Portola and back, so for the most part, it'll probably be nutty depending on who comes out.  It always is.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Chest and Lunch Spin

Last night, we celebrated my oldest son's b-day where we threw on some steaks on the BBQ and also had some cake.  I probably had more of it than I should have even though the plan was to eat light, so I went in the gym and paid my dues.  I did chest and got a real good workout in with 6 different exercises.  I forgot to bring my weight belt, so I dropped the weight down a notch and just cranked up the reps even more. 

My legs feel better after Saturday's ride after having been in compression all through the weekend.  I should be 100% for today's spin class and look forward to doing that with Madison.   It should be a good one, and I plan to just light one up to burn even more of the calories I took in last night.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Arms and Skipping Lunch Cardio

It was arms day this morning, and I think this after having skipped/missed it last week.  I hit the biceps mostly since I'm saving up my triceps for tomorrow's ride since they seem to get worked when I climb.  Even though it was cold, I got a pretty decent sweat going working the biceps, and did 3 different exercises.  I did hit my triceps for 1 exercise, but only 2 sets.  I also got my core workout in.

Since we're doing a big ride tomorrow, I'm going to rest and start my carb loading during today's lunch.   Me and some of my peers were invited by one of our vendors to an all you can eat buffet, so this worked out perfectly.  I do wish I could have gotten in today's spin class since Lauren kicks my ass, but I guess I'll have to wait after the New Year. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shoulders and Solo Lunch Ride on TT Bike

I got in the gym and got my shoulder workout in this morning, and I did a lot of reps again but wasn't able to get more than 4 exercises in for it.  I also got my core training in as well, which I've been wanting to do for my lower back as it hasn't been feeling 100% lately.  It felt good to do with my abs. 

I plan on riding Eddie's TT bike at lunch time and wanted to ride solo so I can get the feel of it without being influenced by the speed of others as well as without endangering them by my inexperience.  I'll need to do some climbing on it and then spend some time on the aero bars as well and see how it goes.  I adjusted the seat last night and dropped the bars to get a little more aero, so I'm anxious to see how it'll feel.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Leg Day and a Long Spin

Since the guys have stepped up their training, I was motivated to step up mine.  For this morning's leg day, I worked my ass off and blew up my calves, quads and hamstrings.  My rep range was all the way until I couldn't do it anymore.  There were some 100+ rep sets as a results.  I think people must think I'm crazy in there as I'm twisting myself off the machine after some of the sets.  Felt like puking at one point.  Good stuff.

I know my legs will not hang on a bike today, but I'm a little worried that I haven't put on any real road miles since Sunday.  I'll definitely get out tomorrow and hopefully on Eddie's TT bike.  For today, I'm back on the spin bike and will try to do more than just the regular hour's worth depending on schedule and what my legs can tolerate.  

One thing to note is that I do worry about getting hurt between now and our January race.  I need to pick things up to keep up with the guys on my team, but I need to also be careful not to overdo it before then and get hurt in the process.  Such a fine line....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back Day and Lunch Ride/Spin

I was a little fired up this morning.  After finding out yesterday that I'll be joining Team A for this January's race, I had a renewed interest in working hard in preparation for it.  Not that my interest was waning before, but it definitely gives me even more of a reason to keep my focus on the training.   My back workout was pretty intense as a result and I was also able to squeeze out a lower back and an ab exercise to finish. 

Yesterday, Madison didn't have a class but I did get in the spin room and get a good workout nonetheless.  My legs were a little tired from Sunday's ride, but it felt good to get some blood circulating in them.  I did need to get in my compression pants last night and I also ended up rolling them, so they should be good for today.  I'll bring my bike in, but it's looking a little wet.  Spin will be the alternative depending on the conditions.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Chest Morning and Spin Lunch

I got up this morning and asked myself what the hell am I doing up so early and why the hell am I going to the gym.  I actually ask myself this on occasion, but I also know the answer and get my ass to the gym anyway.  I was a little tired from yesterday's ride, so I left my compression pants but threw some sweats on over it.

I got my chest workout in and kept it fairly light but high reps.  I still did 6 exercises with 3 sets each.  I also got my abs and lower back trained, so that felt pretty good.

My knees are bugging me a little, but I hope to still join Madison's spin class at lunch time.  I'd like to take it easy, but that never happens since I always get into it when I'm there.  Oh well. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Today's Training

Yesterday, I was able to go into the gym and get some elliptical work in.  I did end up stopping after 50 minutes (vs. my normal hour) since my left hip flexor and left knee were bothering me a little.  Nothing major.

Rather than training my arms, I jumped in a morning ride with the guys and got out for a 40 miler.  It was a good ride, but again a slow start given how cold it was.  My legs seemed to do real well and the only thing I could think of was that I wore my new 2XU elite compression pants.  I didn't even cramp despite only bringing one bottle of water.  Maybe I'll wear them again on Sunday.

I also jumped in a spin class at lunch time.  It was a tough one and my legs were definitely not all there.  The new spin instructor worked my ass off again, so I'll probably be going regularly.  My left knee was bothering me again after the class, but it felt better once I got home and jumped in other compression pants.  Man those pants are gold. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shoulder and Actual Lunch

Man, it's really hard to get out in the morning when it's so frickin' cold, but I managed to make it into the gym nonetheless.  Oddly enough, I was actually able to get a great shoulder workout in despite how long it took to warm up.  I got 5 exercises in and just blew my shoulders up continuing with the tempo reps.  I also got my lower back workout in (finally) as well as some lower abs. 

For lunch today, I actually am going to eat since my group at work is celebrating the completion of a project.   I'd just as well skip, but I'm somewhat obligated to go for my team.  I am considering a workout in the afternoon to get some cardio in if I can.   We'll see.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cold Leg Day and Lunch Cardio

It was 32 degrees at my house this morning when we got up to go to the gym.  On days like this, it is incredibly difficult to work up a sweat.  However, after my 2nd quad workout (leg presses), I managed to do so.

My training this morning was more tempo based given that I performed each rep somewhat to the rhythm of the music. What this seemed to do for me was it let me do way more reps than if I just counted them out.  I still counted but would stop counting upwards of 70+ reps and just kept going until I just couldn't anymore.  It does let me check out as well when I do this, so I got a pretty good workout despite how hard it was to warm up.  I was going to throw in lower back, but I ended up doing abs instead. 

For lunch, I hope to get some cardio in and would like to join the spin class. However, my boss saw it fit to schedule a meeting from 10-12 where I probably won't be able to make it.  I'll probably opt to spin on my own after the class ends.  I still prefer to spin over cycle on leg days since I'm able to push my cardio base without much impact to my legs.  My calves would not bode well today on an actual ride.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Back Day and Lunch Ride

Got back in the gym this morning and did my back.  5 exercises, but the last one only having 1 set but lots of reps.  I also did abs but didn't get to do lower back.  My lower back probably needed it since it hasn't been feeling too loose lately, but I guess I'll get some tomorrow morning.

Looking forward to getting back on the bike at lunch.  My legs feel a lot better than yesterday, so the day off of cardio did wonders.  I hope it comes through on the actual ride. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Catching Up - Friday, Sunday and Today

On Friday, I ended up skipping the gym in the morning, which would have been my arm workout, and opted to do a ~30 mile ride in the morning with a few guys.  We pushed pretty hard, so it was a good morning trainer.  At lunch time, I jumped in a spin class with a new instructor.  She definitely worked my ass off and I was pretty cooked for the day jumping immediately into my compression pants once I got home.

Sunday, we had a good 78 mile ride in and it was chilly.  It made it that much more painful to ride, which is something I'll have to mentally prepare for should this be the conditions for the Stagecoach in January.  No cramps, but performance was just okay.  I didn't get too much rest the day before with having to get the house ready for a party for my twins (24 kids came over...geez!), and further clean up after.   Managed to do the ride with 3 gels only and 2 bottles and almost 1 pack of shot bloks.  No cramps and never really bonked, but just blew up on some of the climbs.

I took this morning off from the gym given I'm still feeling it from the weekend, but I do expect to lift some weights at lunch time.  It'll be chest day, so I'll do what I can to get a good workout at our work gym.  In the back of my mind, I do want to get a cardio session in today too and contemplate doing so after work.  However, I think I'll probably just listen to my body and resist that urge to get some rest instead.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shoulders and Forced Spin

For today's workout, I managed to get a pretty good shoulder workout (8 out of 10 intensity) and squeezed out 5 different exercises.  I also got my core training in, although my lower back training was cut a little short due to time and since I think my abs were tightening up from having done crunches just before.  I missed last week's shoulder workout due to Thanksgiving, so it was nice to train them again. 

I originally planned to ride at lunch time, but after looking at the weather forecast with projected 25 mph winds (not gusts), I was considering spinning instead.  Then, Todd texted me early this morning and had been thinking the same thing, so we both plan on getting in on today's spin class.  Hopefully, the other BRCM'ers will too.