Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back Day and Lunch Ride/Spin

I was a little fired up this morning.  After finding out yesterday that I'll be joining Team A for this January's race, I had a renewed interest in working hard in preparation for it.  Not that my interest was waning before, but it definitely gives me even more of a reason to keep my focus on the training.   My back workout was pretty intense as a result and I was also able to squeeze out a lower back and an ab exercise to finish. 

Yesterday, Madison didn't have a class but I did get in the spin room and get a good workout nonetheless.  My legs were a little tired from Sunday's ride, but it felt good to get some blood circulating in them.  I did need to get in my compression pants last night and I also ended up rolling them, so they should be good for today.  I'll bring my bike in, but it's looking a little wet.  Spin will be the alternative depending on the conditions.

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