Yesterday, I skipped working my legs in the morning and anticipated to ride at lunch time. However, my legs still didn't feel too groovy after Tuesday's ride, so I opted to workout my shoulders at lunchtime. I had a pretty good workout at work getting 6 separate exercises in with 3 sets each. I also did some core workouts, and during my ab crunches, my upper abs cramped pretty bad after the 80th rep. I stopped after that and went to the locker room and took a shower, and they cramped all the way through. I hate when that happens.
Today, I had an "okay" arm workout. My forearm was acting up this morning and I wore my elbow strap to work as a result. It sucks that I hurt it bowling from all things. Why couldn't it be something more glorious like lifting a ton of weight? HA Nonetheless, I only managed to get 4 exercises in with the focus on triceps mostly.
Today, I'm looking forward to getting back on the bike. My legs feel a lot better this morning. I hope the day of rest did them well.
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