Monday, April 4, 2011

Yesterday's Ride, Chest Day and More Cycling

For yesterday's ride nutrition-wise, I had 3 Honey stinger gels and 2 waffles.  I also had about 2 and half bottles of Ultima and 1 package of Shot Bloks.  I probably should have been eating sooner than I did.  At our last stop, I was worried I was going to run out of gas for the fast pace back so I actually had 1 waffle and two gels at this point.  I was also trying to keep from cramping where I kept making sure I had a shot blok in my mouth the whole time.  It ended up working out, but I shouldn't do it that way.

For today's chest workout, I got my 5 exercises in:  flat bench, incline press machine, pec deck, decline press machine, and low angle cable crossovers.  With the bench, I dropped the last set down and ended up doing 4 total, but I did 3 sets for the other exercises.  The rep range today was 20-30.

Since I have a short week with being on vacation Wednesday where I'll be skiing with the family, I'll go ahead and bring my bike in today and tomorrow.  I don't know who else will bring their bike in, but a solo ride will work for me if no one does.  My legs feel good and I need to get the miles up for this week. 

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