Monday, April 18, 2011

Yesterday's Ride and Today's Chest Day

After taking Saturday completely off from exercise, hitting Mt. Baldy yesterday ended up working out pretty good.  I probably should not have hit Friday as hard (original plan was to spin only but mixing it up with Hiroshi changed that), but it probably wasn't too much of a factor.  I'll respect the L'Etape more though and take it easy the last few days before.

For nutrition, I ended up having only 2 waffles and 2 gels only.  I also had 1 packet of Shot Bloks + 1 tab on a new one.  For hydration, I drank 2 21-ounce bottles plus 1 16-ounce bottle of water.   I think from a food perspective, I was right where I wanted to be.  I did carb up the night before (more than normal), so I think that helped a lot. 

For this morning, I woke up to do chest but decided to go back to bed and push it out to lunch time instead.  I will skip cardio today to let my legs recover a little more from yesterday.  They were quite achy by the time I got to the top of Baldy, but that went away on the way down.  They do feel fatigue now, so I'll rest them until tomorrow.

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