Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back, Yesterday's Solo Ride, and Today's Ride

For today, I was a little fired up to work my back as I felt like I took in some extra calories the last couple days...last night not being an exception.  I actually got a good sweat going, so I know I'm pushing the pace when this happens. 

I did an angled alternative reverse grip row, reverse narrow grip pulldowns (machine), wide grip pulldowns (cable), row machine, and lat machine.  I had drop sets, pyramids, and mostly high explosive reps.  I also got my ab workout in, but I didn't do lower back.

Yesterday I did a solo ride at lunch but took it easy and only did 17 miles.  It was the standard Shady Canyon Laguna Cyn bike trail CA loop.  It was nice to manage a pace based on rhythm than just keeping up.  It got windy on the bike trail back, where it was hard to stay in the 20s, but a 19.8 average isn't bad.

For today's ride, it doesn't look like a lot of people will make it out.  It should be a good one though.  Legs feel a little tired from the riding in the last couple days, but they should do okay today.  Skiing and riding the next couple of days should get them truly worked, but they'll have 2 straight days of rest before Sunday's Gran Fondo. 

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