Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shoulder and Cardio Day

I sat in the car at the gym for a few minutes contemplating on whether I should just go back home and ride to/from work today.  I had planned on skipping legs to let them recover fully for this Saturday's ride, so I realized it didn't make sense to ride for this same reason.  Additionally, my legs are STILL feeling Sunday's bodyboarding session.   While I was able to ride during lunch yesterday despite, it was the adrenalin more than anything else that kept me going.  Otherwise, the same areas are still plaguing me with fatigue.

Other areas that are still bugging me include my lower back and my left elbow.  Both seemed to have improved over yesterday, but my left elbow did present a hinderance in this morning's shoulder workout.   During my first exercise, side dumbbell raises, it just bugged me where it didn't seem to feel like it was warming up.  I ended up actually switching exercises and moved to the machine emulating the movement.  Much better.

I also did alternating shoulder presses, front cable raises (which bugged my elbow again in the first set, but was actually fine in the subsequent sets), and rear delt machine.  I skipped another pressing movement today just to back it down a little.  I'll probably do the same next week.

I also got my core workout done.  My lower back discomfort doesn't seem to bother me when training lower back...go figure.  Abs...check 

For lunch today, which will be late given a scheduled meeting, I'll do an hour of elliptical at work.  No more cycling expected until Saturday but who knows...I may spin tomorrow.

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