Monday, April 11, 2011

Yesterday's Ride and Today's Workout

Yesterday's ride was tougher than I expected.  Not having ridden a bike since Tuesday along with breaking routine had me nervous on the hills before the timed climb section.  Nevertheless, I don't think I could have done significantly better either way.  In fact, who knows if the "rest" beforehand did me good and helped me.  In the end, I'm happy with how I did and look forward to keep improving through the year.

For my ride diet, I was a little disappointed in how I did here.  I brought 4 waffles and 5 gels, and I had consumed all of it by the end of the ride.  I also ended up having a PB&J on one of the SAGs as I was starting to feel like I was bottoming out where I needed some immediate nourishment.  The ride was tougher than I expected with the extra elevation gain added through the change in the route.  Also, the headwinds on the way back was insane and the guys were always pushing the pace nonetheless.   My Garmin's calculations of the calories burned was pretty high, and it sure felt that way despite the slower than average pace we had done.  I'll have to re-think what to do for the L'Etape ride based on this.

For today, I was aching the night before where I opted to actually skip cardio and only do weights.  Since I was only doing one and not both today, I slept in and opted to train chest at work during a late lunch.  The change was good and I got a good workout performing 6 exercises with 3 sets each.  I also got a little ab workout as well, but cut it short since I was worked from the weights and the previous day of riding. 

Looking forward to riding again tomorrow.

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