Friday, April 15, 2011

Quads and More Cycling

For today, I wanted to make up the leg training I missed on Wednesday, but I didn't want to do to much since there's some good training prospects this weekend.  I ended up only training my quads since they're the least likely to blow up unlike my calves and hamstrings. 

I did some squats on this sled at the gym (comparable to a hack), alternating leg extensions, and some leg presses with a rep count of 30-60.  I kept the weight low to where the intensity was not too high.  It was more to keep them accustomed to the movements with resistance than to build given how late in the week I'm training them.  I would have worked some core, but I had to take off and pick up some breakfast for the fam.

I still have my bike at work, so I'll be riding at lunch today.  I'm hoping it'll be fairly tame and will try to just get some spinning in to keep the legs fresh for Sunday.  With Noah is talking about doing a crit or the possibility of a hilly route with the others, I have to save some for either of these. 

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