Monday, April 25, 2011

Lunch Time Chest and the Latest

Although it may have seemed like I haven't trained since Friday, I'd beg to differ to the contrary.  Friday, I rode my bike into work with co-worker, Gary, where we met at the corner of Antonio and Oso.  We both carried a back pack, with mine loaded with food, a change of clothes, and other misc items weighing me down noticeably.  On the climb up Antonio Pkwy, I took advantage of the weight to get some extra training in and did a standing big ring climb all the way up.  Once with Gary, we pretty much lit up the way reaching almost a 21 mph average, which included some climbs up Felipe and CA.  While I had a Garmin malfunction, Gary had thought at some point during the route that his speedometer on his Garmin must be off.  This was because as he kept looking down, he'd see speeds between 26-28 mph.  This pace was probably not the best idea considering my Saturday ride, but oh well.

On Saturday, I had a good ride despite the above and was able to keep the training up.  I was intentionally trying to blow my legs up at the end, but they seemed to hold up pretty well.  I know the upcoming hill rides are going to be intense, so I didn't let myself be mentally hindered on a ride with probably only 3K vert and only 64 miles. 

On Sunday, I got to get in some bodyboarding at Del Mar with my brother-in-law, and the waves were pretty decent.  The initial sets were a little difficult to get through, so it made it a pretty intense workout just doing so.  Not being used to the movement plus being subjected to the cold made it tough, but the waves more than made it worth the while.  After a couple hours out there, I was definitely low on fuel, if not out of gas. 

Food-wise, I don't think I indulged too much, but I did have a lot of protein on Friday in the form of a Korean BBQ buffet lunch (lots of chicken!) and a seafood buffet for dinner (lots of sashimi!).  I did have some carbs, but nothing crazy.

For today, I tried to get back on my 2 workout schedule, but my legs were just not feeling too hot where I finally conceded to just 1.  I pretty much worked them for the previous 7 days in some form or another, so today they rested while I worked chest.  I got a pretty good chest workout at work managing 6 different exercises, plus I got a core workout in.  Since my hamstrings felt tight, I went ahead and did a 10 minute elliptical just to get some blood circulating through them.   Tomorrow, the 2/day returns. 

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