Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Addiction Continues

On Facebook today, a couple people commented on my check in at 24 hour fitness and got me asking myself why do I get up every morning to work out.   I answered honestly and said it is like an addiction for me where I have to go or I'll feel horrible.  Every morning, the thought of skipping my workout and sleeping in does cross my mind but only briefly.  The thought of how I'll look/feel/perform takes over after, which gets me up pretty quickly.  I've also said before that once you do something long enough, it becomes routine where a lot of the times, I go on auto pilot and find myself in the gym not realizing how I got there.  When I'm there, I just do what I do where I don't like to waste my time/effort and want each workout to count.   Maybe I need an intervention.

I got my back workout in this morning and did 4 exercises (high rep, focus on speed, until failure).  I also got to do my core workout as well.  I only had time to work lower abs (vs. upper), but good enough.

For today's lunch training, back on the bike again.  I wasn't feeling it going up the hills on yesterday's ride, so hopefully it's better today.  I think my weekend binging plus how I felt a little tired from the riding on Sunday/Monday affected me, so I'm hoping I'm a little better recovered today and can do better (i.e. not get dropped). 

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