Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Focusing, Shoulder Workout and Last Ride for the Week

Training is just as much mental as it is physical...if not more.  When I'm weighed down with other thoughts and especially those that make me anxious, it's very difficult to stay focused.  Today was such a day.  I made it to the gym this morning, but mentally I was not 100% checked in.  No matter how I much I wanted to push, I think I'd give up on a set just because I couldn't focus enough on what I wanted to achieve.  Thus, I would not call today's shoulder workout one of the better ones.  It would be one of those "at least I made it in" moments. 

I skipped leg workouts this morning due to a race this weekend where I'm looking to save up my legs for the event.  I plan on riding at lunch time today, but it'll probably be the last one for this week.  I still plan on doing a mild cardio tomorrow and maybe a really light one Friday morning, but that's it.  Let's see how this works out for me.

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