Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Skipped Legs, Shoulder Day and More Hard Cycling

Today is my usual leg day, but I decided against working them out in order to save them for this weekend.  Even though the century ride isn't until Sunday, I want to make sure that they are 100% since I want to keep up with the guys I'm going with.   I know they'll be pushing hard since that's their typical MO. 

Instead, I worked out my shoulders this morning and had a great workout.  I was able to keep pushing and achieved 100% (i.e. failure) through several sets.  Lisa even thought my shoulders were bigger when I got home, which was likely they were still pumped.  I also had a good core workout done, so all set there. 

Today will be another lunch ride, which I'm looking forward to.  It was pretty intense yesterday, so I hope we can have the same type of ride again.  I'll trash my legs up through tomorrow, but maybe lighten up the intensity on Friday.  That's the plan anyway.

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