Monday, September 26, 2011

Nutrition, Sleeping in and Chest at Lunch

When the weather is nice and the feeding before a ride is good, it always works out where I had to have only minimal nutrition during yesterday's big ride.  I guess the ice cream and other crap I ate on Friday and Saturday held me over pretty good where on the ride, I only had to have 1 waffle and 1 gel and 1 package of Shot Bloks. I also only needed 2 bottles of Ultima during the ride (the new grape flavor rocks!).  This was preceded with a Cytomax bottle before the ride.  I hope I don't have to feed much more than this during the next 2 big rides, but I will play it safe so as to not bonk.

My legs felt a little worked last night, so I opted to sleep in and not go to the gym this morning.  It was nice to get some sleep for a change.  

I will be working out at lunch time and only doing a chest workout.  I'll save the cardio for tomorrow's lunch ride.  

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