Monday, April 30, 2012

Starting Over Again

After this weekend's ride, I probably overcompensated with the food and drinks where I really need to reset my training and diet plans.  Like most, I find comfort in food, and the cycling sufferfest definitely warranted it.  I just felt like crap this morning as a result, so I do want to clean up my diet and restart my training and diet (i.e. hit the old reset button).

I forgot my iPod this morning, so I had to work out with any music.  It's always a bummer to do so, but I managed to get in my 5 sets for chest along with my lower back and ab workouts.  My routine was light and explosive again with light weights and high reps.  My lower back felt a little tight from the ride, but it wasn't much of a factor.  My groin also felt a little worked, but it just makes walking a little challenging.

For lunch, I do want to get on a spin bike and just loosen up my legs by getting the circulation going again.  The compression pants I wore Saturday night helped a lot to keep them from swelling up too much, but now it's time to get the blood working through them again.  I'll try to keep it fairly light, but I may do some off the seat training as well.  I'll have to see how I feel.  I am getting an itch to run though only because I don't want to not have ran for over 2 weeks, but I'm not sure that's a good idea at this point...especially with the Alpine Challenge this weekend. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

End of the Week Taper

Yesterday, I didn't blog in the morning since I actually decided to stay in bed and get a little more rest in preparation for this weekend.  I only had arms to workout anyway, and I figured doing so wouldn't really do anything for me for the ride.  If anything, I wanted to give my triceps a lot of rest since riding on the drops for an extended time does tend to tire them out.  I did spin on the bike at work yesterday during lunch but it was fairly mild.  Got a good sweat out of it.

For this morning, I actually spun again just to keep the blood circulating in the legs.  As hard as it was to do so, I kept it very mild and had the resistance quite low the whole time.  I did do some off the seat pedaling here and there, but nothing crazy. 

This will be it for workouts today.  I plan on getting something to eat with Lisa during lunchtime instead.  I will also be wearing my recovery compression pants all day and night, so this will hopefully prepare me for tomorrow's big ride.  Hopefully.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Diet, Shoulders and Cardio

I went to visit Eddie yesterday at the hospital and had dinner with him.  I opted to bypass my diet so he can feel comfortable eating whatever, so my meal selection wasn't exactly the healthiest.  I actually haven't followed my diet at nights this week, but the irony is that I actually felt pretty good during my ride yesterday.  I'm sure there's a correlation, but I don't want to continue in this mode.  I do still want to get to 145 this year, so I need to get back on track next week (or after...ha ha).

I was not sure what I was going to work this morning, and in all honesty wanted to stay in bed.  However, after yesterday's meal, I couldn't skip without feeling guilty.  I almost went straight to arms just to do something a little less strenuous but ended up doing shoulders.  I'm still not doing legs given this weekend's ride, so for this week's training, I should be done with weights by tomorrow.

For lunch time, it looks like it's going to rain today so I'll probably spin.  I may change it up and do something low intensity like treadmill or elliptical, but we'll see how I feel.  If the weather holds up, I may also just jump on my bike.  I'll be ready for any of these options. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lazy Back and Lunch Ride

In the gym this morning, I overheard someone say after welcoming someone back how "something is better than nothing."  Well, that pretty much summed up how my back workout was today.  I had slept pretty good last night but since I didn't the night before, I really wanted to make up the lost sleep.  However, I forced myself up and got in the gym where my mode was just to get one in vs. actually work towards a specific goal.  I got 4 exercises in for the back, and I did one mixed intensity exercise and the rest was just light and high reps.  I also did some core training and no cramps today. 

For lunch, I'd like to get a ride in but I don't know what route would be interesting to do.  Given this weekend's hill trainer, I see no point in doing anything too hilly today.  I'll go through some of the routes we've done and try to pick one we haven't done in a while. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Calf, Chest and Cardio

Although it doesn't seem to bother me while I cycle, my left calf STILL hasn't fully recovered after straining it last week.  For this reason, I'm not going to run this week so that I don't risk any further problems leading into the L'Etape this weekend.  I hope it heals fully soon.

I worked my chest out today and rather than start out with weights, I did 3 sets of push ups instead.  I've been dealing with problems with my wrists ever since I crashed a few weeks ago, and they, too, don't seem to have recovered in full.  I think this is what happens when one gets old.  Sigh.  I was able to get 5 exercises for chest nonetheless, and I also did my lower back and abs.  For my ab workout, I did crunches on the machine.  When I went to pick up my water bottle from the floor, my upper abs locked up fully (i.e. cramped) and would not unlock for almost 5 minutes.  It hurt! 

For lunch training, I wanted to ride my bike today but it is so drizzly this morning that I may just jump on a spin bike.  If I do jump on the spin bike, I'll keep working on my off the seat riding since I plan on utilizing this more for this weekend's ride. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Arms and Lunch Spin

This morning was once again a struggle to get up for the gym.  I didn't sleep too well last night, so it is always so tempting to just stay in bed and get some extra rest.  After all, rest is when we grow.  However, the fear of gaining weight by not burning enough calories from a missed workout inevitably forces me to get up and get ready.  I did manage to get my arms worked out albeit only through 4 exercises.  Still doing the mixed intensity training theme, so it hurt a little doing the heavier weights given I haven't done so for my arms in a while.  One thing I noticed was how my wrists STILL hurt from when I crashed a couple weeks ago.  I felt both of them bugging me  when I was doing bar dips.  I also managed to get in a lower ab workout.

For today, I think I'll actually give Lauren's spin class a try again.  It's been a while since I've been in her class since I've typically been running on Friday's, but since I ran on Tuesday and my calf still feels strained, the spin class seems like the better way to go.  I did think about actually riding my bike today but spin seemed like it would present more of a workout.  I want to burn calories! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Keeping it Going with Shoulders and Cardio

Oh boy.  The two days I didn't get up to go to the gym earlier this week sure has made it hard to get up the last couple days.  I almost caved in to staying in bed and getting more sleep, but I was able to force myself to get up.  Lisa had made some real food for me to eat last night, so that was my motivation to get me in the gym.  I wanted to make sure I burned the calories from what I ate.  I know...I'm a freak.

I got a good shoulder workout in today with 4 exercises and I also did my abs and lower back.  I kept the theme of the week going with the mixed resistance training (light high reps, heavy low reps, light high reps).  I was worried about some of the weights I chose for my heavy weights just because I didn't want to get hurt, but pleasantly surprised I was able to move them around without problems.  I guess I'm not that weak.  HA HA

For my cardio during lunch, I need to get back on my bike.  I had a great workout on the spin bike on my own yesterday, but I need some real bike seat time.  My left calf is still bugging me from my Tuesday run and since I worked on off-the-seat on the spin bike (staying off the seat and keeping the resistance high for the whole time), my quads are also still feeling it from yesterday.  I don't know what I'll have for the ride, but if anything, I'm just looking for another good workout.  I'll give it what I have...I hope. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Catching Up Again

I haven't blogged my training for awhile, but that doesn't mean I haven't been training.  I think I left off with my training on Thursday, so here's what happened since then:

Friday - I had the day off from work, so I also took the day off from training.  I had planned on saving my strength for a race I had signed up for on Saturday. 

Saturday - I didn't end up racing due to the weather, and on top of that, didn't also end up training.  I had a couple foot races with my son, Richie, though.  HA HA.  I would have trained but planned a hill trainer on Sunday.

Sunday - epic hill trainer on Baldy.  My times have definitely dropped when I compare to all the previous times I've been up that mountain.  Slowest times for almost all segments.  I just couldn't put down the same amount of power as before.  More hill training needed I suppose.  I was able to get away with doing the ride with 1.5 bottles and 3 gels, plus almost a package of shot bloks.  This just shows that I'm not working hard enough, right?

Monday - I was a little worked from the hill trainer, so I skipped morning work out but got a chest workout in during lunch time.  I went from light to a heavier set and back for the exercises I performed.  I also spun a little on a stationary bike just to make my legs feel better.

Tuesday - I didn't get in the gym but went for a 10 mile run to clear my mind due to some things going on at home.  I  tried to maintain a tempo that was doable for that distance, but I did pick it up some on the way back.  In the end, my left calf started to hurt, so I think I may have gone a little too far.

Today - My calf is still feeling it, so I'm walking with a limp.  This, however, didn't stop me from making it into the gym today.   This was the first morning this week I made it in, and I was close to just skipping once again.  I convinced myself that if I don't go in, I may just never make it in for the rest of the week.  It worked, and I got a back workout in.  It took a lot of inner dialog to get going, so my workout wasn't the best.  I was just glad to be able to get in there, so good enough.  I still did the same thing as I did with my chest workout by alternating between light and heavy, and I'll probably do this for shoulders tomorrow.   At lunch time, I'm planning on a light spin because of my calf.  Tomorrow, I'll ride again.  

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Arms and Lunch Ride

Today is my Friday since I'm off tomorrow, so I'm glad it's my last day of the week to get up early.  I'm still having trouble getting up at least from a motivational standpoint, but I am getting up nonetheless.  This morning, I got my arms worked out and managed 2 exercises each for arms and biceps.  I had it in my mind to work with a purpose and today's purpose was just to keep working on improving my conditioning where I blew out as many reps per set as I could.  Both were pretty worked despite only 2 exercises each (3 sets per).  I also did my lower abs and my lower back.

For lunch today, I'm looking forward to getting back on the bike.  I had a good spin session yesterday, but despite, my legs feel pretty recovered...finally.  I hope to find a route that will make today fun but safe.  If as many come out today as they did Tuesday, it should be a good one training-wise.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shoulders over Legs and Spin

Originally my plan was to hit legs today with some weights, but since I ran 6.5 miles on Monday, I wanted to give them a little more time to recover.  They were pretty tight yesterday morning, but ironically they loosened up after yesterday's lunch ride.  Nonetheless, I opted to work shoulders instead. 

My shoulder workout was pretty good today.  Although I only got 4 exercises in for them, the high rep sets plus going beyond my "breaking point" on several of the sets got them pretty worked.  I was happy with it.  Considering I felt hungry when I woke up and only drank coffee before working out, it was good.  I couldn't wait to have my Met-Rx when I got home though. 

For lunch time, I do plan on hitting spin (another reason I opted to skip legs).  I haven't been spinning much since I picked up running as part of my training regimen, so I'm looking forward to getting back in there. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Leg Fatigue, Back Day and Lunch Ride

Yesterday, I opted to run during lunch for my cardio, and it was nice to just be able to run alone where I manage my own pace.  I still pushed it here and there and ended up running 6.5 miles.  My legs felt okay after albeit a little tired, but when I got up this morning, I could definitely feel them more.  My calves felt especially tight, but I am still able to walk.  It doesn't hurt anywhere near like it did when I first ran a few weeks ago.  Some extra strength Tylenol this morning should help.

I made it to the gym with Lisa this morning and I chose not to do any progressive resistance training.  Every exercise was merely the same weight where I tried to do as many reps as possible each set with minimal rest in between.  Because of all the reps, I was only able to do 4 exercises for back, but I did work my lower abs and lower back also. 

For lunch today, I'm planning to ride my bike.  I have my wheels on my BMC again, so I'll be taking this bike to work.  I'm not sure what route we're taking, but I doubt it'll matter given my legs aren't going to be too strong. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Yesterday's Ride, Today's Chest and Lunch Cardio

For the weekend training, I rode down to Poway from my house with Vin and got 68 miles + 3000 feet of climbing.  We started out fairly slow to warm up, but got our average up to 20.7 mph by the time we got down to the Camp Pendleton McDonald's.  Trying to find our way through Rancho Santa Fe and getting a little lost, our average dropped to 19.4, but it was still a great workout.  I didn't mind working up front a lot to keep the pace up as I was interested in earning my Easter eats.  Vin came in on occasion and helped keep the pace up as well.  Despite the ride, I never felt like my legs got too worked, so it was a good ride.

I did contemplate on whether I wanted to work out this morning given I've been resting more, but I felt a little guilty from what I ate over the weekend.  Curiously, I was a little hungry this morning when I woke up.  I did end up going in and getting my chest worked out and it was pretty good.  I stayed light and didn't really pyramid up and got 5 chest exercises in plus lower back and abs. 

For today's cardio, I'm contemplating getting a run in but I may spin as well.  I will be off on Friday where I won't be able to get a run in then, so I may do so earlier this week. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Race Analysis, Arms and Lunch Run

Once again, the same thing happened during last night race where at some point half-way through, I started to just fall off the back and for the life of me, I can't figure out why.  It's never a matter of feeling like I can't breathe or where I start to cramp.  I just can't keep up.  I did notice my HR was up for a while, but I've held an elevated HR for a lot longer previously.  I think I just have to concede that I am not in crit racing shape and maybe there's just not much I can do about it.  I hate the thought of feeling so helpless though.  Lisa, who came to watch, said I looked like I was doing better.  I'm not sure what that really means, but maybe there's some improvement from week-to-week...or maybe I'm just kidding myself.  The next race is in two weeks, so maybe the break will help. 

This morning, I was so tempted to just stay in bed since Lisa wasn't feeling to well.  I did manage to drag my ass up and get in the gym, but it took a while to get going.  I did punish my arms (mostly biceps) for yesterday's sad race performance and finished it off with a core workout.

I will be running today at lunch time to keep the running up.  Madison won't be running with us, so I'll have to find a way to challenge myself.  I would try to break last week's record on my own, but I just don't know how to pace myself well enough.  Maybe I'll borrow Lisa's GPS and track this run, but I'm afraid it'll only tell me I'm slow here too.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Morning Spin and Lunch Time Shoulders

After yesterday's ride, I liked how my legs felt resulting from the rest I gave them on Monday so I thought I'd go with an earlier spin this morning.  This way, they can be rested more for tomorrow night's crit.  I never felt like I was blowing up yesterday, so I'm hoping that tomorrow will be more of the same.  My spin this morning was a lot lighter than what it would be like had I joined the spin class at lunch.  I still worked up a pretty good sweat though.

At lunch time today, i'll opt to do my shoulder workout at the gym at work.  I did get a good shoulder workout two weeks ago when I did this, so I'm hoping for more of the same today.  After this, it's all rest until the race. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Diet, Back and Lunch Ride

I'm doomed.  Lisa seems to not want to help me too much on my diet, and I can't resist when she offers me things that aren't exactly in lined with what I want to eat.  I didn't eat much in terms of quantity last night, but I could have eaten better.  I'm trying to only go down to 3 Met-Rx a day (vs. four) but she wants to give me more food as a result where I wonder if this is a good plan after all.  I guess we'll see.

For my back training today, it was back to very light and very high reps.  I'm trying to not train heavy since Lisa seems to think my shoulders are getting bigger, so I'm wondering if even the light training is getting my muscles to respond by growth.  I don't want to get bigger.   I also got my core training in today.

For the lunch ride, I'm going to propose the double back bay route with points that we did before.  I'm bringing my Cervelo so I won't be able to see my power numbers, but one of these days I'll swap out the brake pads on it so I can interchange the wheels between both bikes.  I'm interested to see how my power numbers will be on the Cervelo.  I hope I don't get blown out the back today. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Perpetual Decline and Today's Training

It seems no matter what I do, I just can't seem to get out of the rut that I'm in.  This is with regard to weight loss, strength training, and just improving in cycling.  For the most part, progress is either stale or actually reversed, and to be honest, I don't know what to do.  I've received several suggestions from friends about what I can do, but I can't seem to get behind any of them because they conflict with my general ideas of training and dieting.  This conflict isn't necessarily where I believe they're wrong and I'm right.  It's more about getting myself to go against my grain.  I'm trying to adapt some aspects by training less here and there, but the results are showing that none of this is really working.  Take yesterday's riding for example:  It should have been an ideal time to at least match some of my top times in certain segments, but once again, Strava is showing me as having a big fat zero.  I look at my times going up certain hills and segments, and they are way off and show a trend of decline.  Okay, so I drank a bunch on Saturday and didn't sleep until late, but I don't expect it to reflect that poorly on my riding.  I'm just tired of making excuses as I try and analyze what reasons are causing me to do poorly.  If I were to have done everything right and STILL performed bad, then that would even be more reason to be annoyed with my progress.  In ways, I think that's why I'm losing the motivation to continue to try and excel.  I don't think I'll even be close to ready enough to have a good outing for the L'Etape in a few weeks, but I'll still give it my best whatever that is.

For this morning, I once again woke up where I could have gone to the gym...but didn't.  I felt tired from yesterday's ride still (which didn't use to hamper me previously), so I decided I'd give my legs a little rest and will opt to train on chest at lunch time.  I was going to try and change my schedule around to where I can train my legs to improve their strength, but how can I do that when they feel less than 100% from the riding? I may have to reschedule my whole training program all together and find a way to make everything fit if that's even possible.  At least for today, all I have to worry about is weight training.   I hope it's at least a good workout.