Friday, April 20, 2012

Arms and Lunch Spin

This morning was once again a struggle to get up for the gym.  I didn't sleep too well last night, so it is always so tempting to just stay in bed and get some extra rest.  After all, rest is when we grow.  However, the fear of gaining weight by not burning enough calories from a missed workout inevitably forces me to get up and get ready.  I did manage to get my arms worked out albeit only through 4 exercises.  Still doing the mixed intensity training theme, so it hurt a little doing the heavier weights given I haven't done so for my arms in a while.  One thing I noticed was how my wrists STILL hurt from when I crashed a couple weeks ago.  I felt both of them bugging me  when I was doing bar dips.  I also managed to get in a lower ab workout.

For today, I think I'll actually give Lauren's spin class a try again.  It's been a while since I've been in her class since I've typically been running on Friday's, but since I ran on Tuesday and my calf still feels strained, the spin class seems like the better way to go.  I did think about actually riding my bike today but spin seemed like it would present more of a workout.  I want to burn calories! 

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