Thursday, April 19, 2012

Keeping it Going with Shoulders and Cardio

Oh boy.  The two days I didn't get up to go to the gym earlier this week sure has made it hard to get up the last couple days.  I almost caved in to staying in bed and getting more sleep, but I was able to force myself to get up.  Lisa had made some real food for me to eat last night, so that was my motivation to get me in the gym.  I wanted to make sure I burned the calories from what I ate.  I know...I'm a freak.

I got a good shoulder workout in today with 4 exercises and I also did my abs and lower back.  I kept the theme of the week going with the mixed resistance training (light high reps, heavy low reps, light high reps).  I was worried about some of the weights I chose for my heavy weights just because I didn't want to get hurt, but pleasantly surprised I was able to move them around without problems.  I guess I'm not that weak.  HA HA

For my cardio during lunch, I need to get back on my bike.  I had a great workout on the spin bike on my own yesterday, but I need some real bike seat time.  My left calf is still bugging me from my Tuesday run and since I worked on off-the-seat on the spin bike (staying off the seat and keeping the resistance high for the whole time), my quads are also still feeling it from yesterday.  I don't know what I'll have for the ride, but if anything, I'm just looking for another good workout.  I'll give it what I have...I hope. 

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