Thursday, April 12, 2012

Arms and Lunch Ride

Today is my Friday since I'm off tomorrow, so I'm glad it's my last day of the week to get up early.  I'm still having trouble getting up at least from a motivational standpoint, but I am getting up nonetheless.  This morning, I got my arms worked out and managed 2 exercises each for arms and biceps.  I had it in my mind to work with a purpose and today's purpose was just to keep working on improving my conditioning where I blew out as many reps per set as I could.  Both were pretty worked despite only 2 exercises each (3 sets per).  I also did my lower abs and my lower back.

For lunch today, I'm looking forward to getting back on the bike.  I had a good spin session yesterday, but despite, my legs feel pretty recovered...finally.  I hope to find a route that will make today fun but safe.  If as many come out today as they did Tuesday, it should be a good one training-wise.

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