Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Catching Up Again

I haven't blogged my training for awhile, but that doesn't mean I haven't been training.  I think I left off with my training on Thursday, so here's what happened since then:

Friday - I had the day off from work, so I also took the day off from training.  I had planned on saving my strength for a race I had signed up for on Saturday. 

Saturday - I didn't end up racing due to the weather, and on top of that, didn't also end up training.  I had a couple foot races with my son, Richie, though.  HA HA.  I would have trained but planned a hill trainer on Sunday.

Sunday - epic hill trainer on Baldy.  My times have definitely dropped when I compare to all the previous times I've been up that mountain.  Slowest times for almost all segments.  I just couldn't put down the same amount of power as before.  More hill training needed I suppose.  I was able to get away with doing the ride with 1.5 bottles and 3 gels, plus almost a package of shot bloks.  This just shows that I'm not working hard enough, right?

Monday - I was a little worked from the hill trainer, so I skipped morning work out but got a chest workout in during lunch time.  I went from light to a heavier set and back for the exercises I performed.  I also spun a little on a stationary bike just to make my legs feel better.

Tuesday - I didn't get in the gym but went for a 10 mile run to clear my mind due to some things going on at home.  I  tried to maintain a tempo that was doable for that distance, but I did pick it up some on the way back.  In the end, my left calf started to hurt, so I think I may have gone a little too far.

Today - My calf is still feeling it, so I'm walking with a limp.  This, however, didn't stop me from making it into the gym today.   This was the first morning this week I made it in, and I was close to just skipping once again.  I convinced myself that if I don't go in, I may just never make it in for the rest of the week.  It worked, and I got a back workout in.  It took a lot of inner dialog to get going, so my workout wasn't the best.  I was just glad to be able to get in there, so good enough.  I still did the same thing as I did with my chest workout by alternating between light and heavy, and I'll probably do this for shoulders tomorrow.   At lunch time, I'm planning on a light spin because of my calf.  Tomorrow, I'll ride again.  

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