Monday, April 2, 2012

Perpetual Decline and Today's Training

It seems no matter what I do, I just can't seem to get out of the rut that I'm in.  This is with regard to weight loss, strength training, and just improving in cycling.  For the most part, progress is either stale or actually reversed, and to be honest, I don't know what to do.  I've received several suggestions from friends about what I can do, but I can't seem to get behind any of them because they conflict with my general ideas of training and dieting.  This conflict isn't necessarily where I believe they're wrong and I'm right.  It's more about getting myself to go against my grain.  I'm trying to adapt some aspects by training less here and there, but the results are showing that none of this is really working.  Take yesterday's riding for example:  It should have been an ideal time to at least match some of my top times in certain segments, but once again, Strava is showing me as having a big fat zero.  I look at my times going up certain hills and segments, and they are way off and show a trend of decline.  Okay, so I drank a bunch on Saturday and didn't sleep until late, but I don't expect it to reflect that poorly on my riding.  I'm just tired of making excuses as I try and analyze what reasons are causing me to do poorly.  If I were to have done everything right and STILL performed bad, then that would even be more reason to be annoyed with my progress.  In ways, I think that's why I'm losing the motivation to continue to try and excel.  I don't think I'll even be close to ready enough to have a good outing for the L'Etape in a few weeks, but I'll still give it my best whatever that is.

For this morning, I once again woke up where I could have gone to the gym...but didn't.  I felt tired from yesterday's ride still (which didn't use to hamper me previously), so I decided I'd give my legs a little rest and will opt to train on chest at lunch time.  I was going to try and change my schedule around to where I can train my legs to improve their strength, but how can I do that when they feel less than 100% from the riding? I may have to reschedule my whole training program all together and find a way to make everything fit if that's even possible.  At least for today, all I have to worry about is weight training.   I hope it's at least a good workout.

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