Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Diet, Back and Lunch Ride

I'm doomed.  Lisa seems to not want to help me too much on my diet, and I can't resist when she offers me things that aren't exactly in lined with what I want to eat.  I didn't eat much in terms of quantity last night, but I could have eaten better.  I'm trying to only go down to 3 Met-Rx a day (vs. four) but she wants to give me more food as a result where I wonder if this is a good plan after all.  I guess we'll see.

For my back training today, it was back to very light and very high reps.  I'm trying to not train heavy since Lisa seems to think my shoulders are getting bigger, so I'm wondering if even the light training is getting my muscles to respond by growth.  I don't want to get bigger.   I also got my core training in today.

For the lunch ride, I'm going to propose the double back bay route with points that we did before.  I'm bringing my Cervelo so I won't be able to see my power numbers, but one of these days I'll swap out the brake pads on it so I can interchange the wheels between both bikes.  I'm interested to see how my power numbers will be on the Cervelo.  I hope I don't get blown out the back today. 

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