Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shoulders over Legs and Spin

Originally my plan was to hit legs today with some weights, but since I ran 6.5 miles on Monday, I wanted to give them a little more time to recover.  They were pretty tight yesterday morning, but ironically they loosened up after yesterday's lunch ride.  Nonetheless, I opted to work shoulders instead. 

My shoulder workout was pretty good today.  Although I only got 4 exercises in for them, the high rep sets plus going beyond my "breaking point" on several of the sets got them pretty worked.  I was happy with it.  Considering I felt hungry when I woke up and only drank coffee before working out, it was good.  I couldn't wait to have my Met-Rx when I got home though. 

For lunch time, I do plan on hitting spin (another reason I opted to skip legs).  I haven't been spinning much since I picked up running as part of my training regimen, so I'm looking forward to getting back in there. 

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