Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday's Ride Analysis, Yesterday's Rest Day and Today

On Saturday, we did the Tour de Foothills century as a trainer for the Stagecoach Century coming up in January.  With the rain and cold weather, I was surprised to have been able to do the whole ride with just the two bottles of Ultima.  I even had a little left in one of the bottles, so it was interesting to know I could do such a big ride with so little given I didn't sweat as much as usual.  I did drink water at two of the SAGs to add to my fluids.  I also only had 1 package of Shot Blocks and 4 Honey Gels, but this was supplemented with 2 fig newtons, a quarter PB&J, a Honey Stinger waffle and one Honey Stinger PB bar.  I did eat a lot the night before, but I don't think my KFC foodfest was ideal.  I've had better beginnings with my sushi meals the night before, but the difference may have also been weather related.  Overall, I'm hoping it will be comparable at the SC weather-wise, where I just have to keep training.

I did get a lot of rest yesterday and went back to Met-Rx for my last 2 meals of the day.  For some reason though, my stomach was bothering me and I wasn't able to get much sleep.  Despite this, I still managed to get up this morning and get in the gym.

For today's workout, I got 6 chest workouts in and while strength wasn't too high, the intensity was still there due to the fast pace, high reps and little rest in between.  I also got my core training in but after my ab workout, I went to pick up my water bottle and one of my upper abs locked up pretty good.  I was able to massage it out to let it unlock as I made my way to the locker.

For today's cardio, I contemplated riding my bike but I will probably just jump on the spin bike again since there is a class today.  I still have about half an hour to decide, but l don't know if I'm ready to ride my bike again yet after Saturday.

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