Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yesterday's training, Today's Leg day and Lunch time cardio

Yesterday, I got caught up downloading some songs for my Ipod that I didn't get a chance to blog.  I did get a back workout in and the pace was elevated similar to how my chest day was on Monday...i.e. little rest between sets and exercises.  I was even able to squeeze in one additional exercise, plus I got my core training in as well.

My lunch ride yesterday was a good training ride with a pretty decent amount of elevation.  Shannon smoked all of us after one of the hills, but I can definitely live with that.  I did get a couple PRs, so there were instances I was pushing pretty hard.  I was surprised though that my left calf cramped on Bison since I hadn't ridden since Saturday and only did spin class on Monday.  I may be a little dehydrated, so I'll have to fix that. 

I normally don't do leg days with an event coming up on the weekend, but I decided to do so anyway today.  I did pull back some and only did one exercise for calves (albeit with 1 additional set) and 2 quad exercises (again with additional sets), but I skipped hamstrings since that's one of the prone areas for cramping where I wanted to give it rest.  I really hit a lot of reps on my quad exercises though, so let's see how that works for me.

For lunch, I'm going to try and hit a spin class at 1 PM but my schedule is jacked full of meetings today.  I may not get in a full hour, but I'll take what I can get. 

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