Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend, Chest and Spin Class

For my weekend ride, I opted to ride Saturday since we had company coming in from out of town Sunday.  I wasn't sure how I would fair given I was on a bike (either road or spin) M-F without giving myself even much time to recover from last week's century.  Nevertheless, my cardio was still there and my legs still felt pretty good where I was able to bang out a solid ride.  I only had 2.5 bottles to drink, 1 waffle and 2 gels to get me through the ride, but eating like crap Friday night (purposely just to get enough calories in) helped. 

I got up and did my chest this morning and had a great workout.  With company yesterday, we ate out for lunch and dinner so I was charged and ready to work.  I got 6-7 exercises in for chest (more than normal) and my core training done as well.

I plan on jumping in on Madison's spin class at lunch time and I'm going to let her just work my ass as she has been.  I'll probably even warm up before she gets there to get some extra spinning in and burn that many more calories.  It's almost Thanksgiving, so the bigger deficit I can create the more turkey I hope to eat. 

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