Monday, May 16, 2011

Friday, The Weekend, and Today

With this website down on Friday, I didn't have a chance to post my workout for that day so here goes:  I worked my arms in the morning and focused on my triceps since I skipped it the previous week.  For both triceps and biceps, I did about 5-6 exercises plus I got my lower back and abs in.  For lunch, I did some intervals on the elliptical.  It was tough given I was trying to max my output for every 2 minutes and then rest for 2 minutes where after 20 minutes of this, I was worked.  However, I still finished out the rest of the 60 minutes but I couldn't maximize my intensity as much.

For Saturday, it was just a rest day.  I did load up on calories more given I was expecting to do a long ride on Sunday.  However, the starchy carbs were limited mostly through the day time where I only had fibrous carbs in the evening.

Sunday's ride was ridiculous and in the rain where it was very hard on the body.  Not only was the pace fast, which I didn't mind, but the cold wet weather made it increasingly painful...especially after having to stop for a couple flats.   The guys we rode with were pretty fast, and to me it was just about the climb up past Cooks.  I was a little disappointed about falling off on the 2nd crest before the downhill.  I wondered if I could have set up the hill a little different.  I think if I could do it again, I'd dictate my own rhythm rather than following those ahead of me.  The big bummer was I don't have any stats to review given the problem with my Garmin.

For today's chest workout, I got my 5 exercises in:  flat bench, low angled cable cross over, high angle cable cross over, machine incline press and machine decline press.  I worked my ass off since my focus was on my performance yesterday, so I got a pretty good workout.

At lunch, I hope to do some cardio on the elliptical again, but I think I'll limit the intensity and just work on burning fat. 

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