Monday, May 23, 2011

Swollen Face, Chest day and Cardio

After yesterday's ride and the massive bee venom absorption, I woke up with a mad fat lip, my gums hurting on the right side of my mouth, and a swollen cheek/jaw.  Lovely.  It still feels like I got socked pretty hard, so what a great way to start the week.

I managed to get in the gym this morning nonetheless, and the only real effect from yesterday's ride was the bee sting.  My legs felt good, although I did contemplate skipping just because of the mileage/hours I put in yesterday.  Ultimately, I concluded that progress waits for no one.

I got a chest workout in today where I changed up the order of some of my exercises just to increase stimulation.  I wanted to do some flies and some dumbbell presses, but as I was having to deal with the discomfort of my face, I stuck to machines and cables mostly except for the bench.  What was funny is that when I would push the intensity, my face would hurt even more.  Nice.

I also worked my core and I did my  lower back and abs.  On my ab workout, I decided to push it but a side effect is that my abs would cramp up, which is exactly what it did.   I had actually finished my crunches, and it was when I went to pick up my water  bottle that my upper right abdominal locked up.  It took until I was half way home after some continuous massaging that it finally let go. 

This should be an interesting week.  At least the world didn't end....

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