Thursday, May 12, 2011

Leg Thrased, Shoulder day and more Cycling

Last night, my legs felt thrashed where I had to resort to some ibuprofen; something I don't do that often.  I actually felt pretty beat down after yesterday's workout and ride.  This morning, I feel mostly recovered with just a little sense of fatigue with my quads and glutes.  Calves feel okay.

Got my shoulder workout done this morning.  My left elbow is starting to feel better, but I can still feel it where I kept the weights light but the reps high.  I managed to get 4 exercises in with 2 laterals (front and side), 1 press, and 1 rear delt machine.  I haven't been training my traps, and although I think I should, I don't want them to grow at all.  This is probably also one of the reasons I talk myself out of a 2nd pressing movement.

For today's ride, it will be a little hilly but nothing crazy.  Relative to Baldy, nothing is crazy.  I'll push and keep beating up the legs during this makeshift hell week for them.  I'm hoping they'll be able to adapt to the stress and further my conditioning in preparation for Bear.

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