Friday, May 27, 2011

Rest Day, Supplements, and Cardiologist Visit

After (actually during) yesterday's ride, my legs felt pretty drained but I pushed as hard as I could nonetheless.   I felt like spinning more than anything else, and even that was a challenge.  I did save some for the Jamboree climb, but afterwards, I was just done.  As a result, I was going to rest all of today to recover (hopefully) for any rides going on this weekend.

I did want to bring up my supplements in that I have been doing the new creatine that Shannon told me about for some time.  Although I haven't been able to see how it's affected my strength from a max perspective, it does seem to be working given that I seemed to have gained some strength from a high rep perspective.  I'll stick with it.

I saw my cardiologist yesterday, and he noticed my weight loss.  One of the things about it was he indicated that he actually should reduce my blood pressure meds because I've been getting dizzy a lot after standing, and it seems related to how LOW my blood pressure is (it was 105/60 yesterday).   I get to cut it in half now, so we'll see how that affects me cycling-wise. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the feedback, I will keep with it too.

