Friday, May 20, 2011

Yesterday's Ride, Today's Workout and Lunch Rie

While yesterday's ride is considered our toughest route with 2.4K of climbing, I didn't expect it would be as painful as it was.   Not only does everyone seem to be stepping it up more and more, but not having ridden since Sunday didn't help.  Even lately on the toughest rides, my legs didn't complain much and just did what I wanted for the most part.  The biggest concern I have here is that I hope I'm not going backwards.  

Today, I got my arms worked out with a focus on the biceps but I also got some triceps work in.  During my tricep workout, one of the regulars in there asked what was wrong with my arm/elbow.  As expected, he laughed when I told him it was a bowling injury.  I also managed to get my core workout in, but I always have to get out early so I can pick up some croissants and donuts for the wife and kids' breakfast.

Today, I hope to get a lunch ride in albeit it will be a late one.  I have a meeting at 11:15 that shouldn't last too long, so I hope to get out just after it.  If I end up going by myself, I'll probably do a bike trail Shady or Ridgeline loop. 

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