Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Diet, Back Day and Lunch Cardio

I probably don't talk about my diet enough, but last Sunday I decided to kick it up a notch for a couple reasons:  1) I've been eating a lot of junk on the weekends where it just isn't translating to energy as well and 2) I think I can stand to lose more body fat.   The changes I'm making will be that I will no longer be eating fried foods again, I will avoid overeating after my long rides, I am giving up alcohol (for a little while anyway), and I will increase my protein intake on the weekends.  These are not drastic changes, but I hope it'll help me tone up more and translate to more efficient cycling.

I got a pretty decent back workout this morning hitting 4-5 different exercises plus my core training.  Speed was the focus and I kept pushing even beyond when I would typically stop.  My back feels worked.  Good deal.

For lunch, I am toying with the idea of bringing my bike, but I'll likely jump in today's spin class.  I would like to try out my bike again with the new wheels, but I may save it for tomorrow night's race.  I still plan to race just to get a good training session in even though it doesn't seem like anyone will join me.  In the end, I hope the training will help for the Bull Dog race coming up soon.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Restarted Weight Training, New Approach and Lunch Cycling

After taking some time off from the weights since last Thursday, I woke up this morning wondering if I should just one more day.  I really wanted to stay in bed, but last night, I was committed to return to the gym today, so off I went.  I started my workout schedule from the beginning, which means today was my chest day.  I had a decent workout, but I feel like I had a diminished breathing capacity.  Lisa had mentioned she noticed I was wheezing the other day when I slept, so I don't know if I have a bug.  I'm not showing any other symptoms though, so I'll assume it was just from being really tired from my ride on Sunday. 

Speaking of my ride on Sunday, I'm getting a little tired of coming up with excuses, so I won't.  I don't think I did very well, and I was spinning on my low gears more than I wanted.  I don't even want to try to figure it out, but I am trying to change my workout schedule where I will start taking it easy vs. going hard M-F.  Weight-wise, it'll still be the same, but the cycling will be high and low intensity.  Since races start this week, I'll also be skipping my leg workouts for a while. 

For lunch today, I hope to try out the new wheels/Power tap and see how they feel.  The roads are quite wet, but I think they'll dry out enough for a ride out with the guys.  If for some reason the roads are still wet, I'll jump in the spin class.  My legs feel better after I spun on a Lifecycle stationary bike yesterday for an hour. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Trying to Train Less...For a Little Bit Anyway

After Wednesday's spin, not even a class led one since it was cancelled, I felt horrible.  Although I had a good solo session and sweated up a storm, I just felt like I was nauseated and almost went home after.  Seeing as how I've been taxing my body so much lately, and with my HR staying pegged during rides, I thought it would behoove me to find some way to not train so much.  I make it sound as though it's hard not to train, and the reality is, it is.  I love to train and it's easier to follow a routine than deviate from it when that's all I've been doing for a while.  However, since I've been unable to shake this "deep" feeling of fatigue, what I've decided to do was skip  my morning weight workouts and get more sleep.  That's what I've done the last 2 days.  I can't not be active though, so I did go on a lunch ride  yesterday.  The guys let me get away with a lower intensity ride, albeit  a BRCM lower intensity lunch ride is probably not really low.  At least my HR wasn't pegged again.

For today, I do plan on getting in a spin class, but the rest from this morning hopefully will make it less painful.  I'll try to take it easy in there as well. 

Although I know a longer rest session would be good, I'm feeling better already.  We do have plans to ride up Baldy on Sunday so hopefully, I'll be up to par by then.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Leg day and Spin Class

Today I woke up hungry given my lack of carbs from yesterday.  I had to have a little blueberry almond snack with my coffee this morning just so I don't go into the gym feeling starved.  This seemed to work well for my leg workout as I had a pretty good one.  I was on a mission in there to push where my rep sets were fast and continuous.  I would blow up my muscle on a set, take some deep breaths, and then hit it again.  There were sets of 90 reps excluding the additional ones that I would bang out after.  I was pretty blown out once I finished and calves, quads, glutes and hammies were toast.

I know my legs will probably still be in recovery mode, but I do plan to join Madison's spin class today.  I may wear compression pants underneath to improve circulation and hopefully keep me from cramping during the class.  I'll bring water too.  Better safe than sorry.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Healing Back, Back Day and Lunch Ride

My lower back seems to be improving, although I still feel it's susceptible to being injured.  It didn't get in the way of my training this morning, which coincidentally is a back day.  I was able to do some rows even, but I did lighten up a bunch.  I also trained for speed today just like yesterday, and this will be the mode moving forward for a while.  Hopefully, it'll be helpful during race season.  I got 4 exercises done along with completing my core exercises.

For lunch, I'm hoping for a good run out.  My legs feel better than they did last week, so the shorter miles over the weekend probably helped.  I did work with Eddie yesterday in the spin room, but I'm hoping that it will not affect my performance during lunch.  I'm contemplating a hill route vs. a Portola run, so we'll see what the guys want to do and go from there.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Chest Day and Lunch Cardio

Lately, I've been waking up in the morning where my lower back has felt like it's on the verge of going out.  However, I've just been very careful with certain movements where I think that's helped to keep it from doing so.  It even bothered me in yesterday's ride, but it didn't seem to have much impact other than discomfort in the beginning.  This morning was just more of the same. 

I still managed to get in the gym this morning despite how my back felt, but I definitely had my weight belt cinched up good.  I also made sure that I was breathing properly through every exercise.  During my chest workout, my focus was speed.  While I been working fast explosive moments for a while, I don't know if I always make a mental connection to ensure that I push or pull as fast as I can.  Today, I made such a connection and had a pretty good workout.  I did also do my lower back and abs despite my back issue where it doesn't seem to hurt anything.  In fact, it helped to keep the area warm so now that I'm at home, it feels okay.

For lunch today, I was contemplating on running again, but with my back bothering me, I don't know if that's a good thing.  When I used to run before, I had thrown out my back a couple times just because the pounding is so harsh to my spine.  If I don't spin, I'll be in the spin room.  I feel much better today vs. last week since I only did 40 miles yesterday (to rest), so I'm hoping for a better week cycling-wise.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Rested but Spun at Lunch

After yesterday's ride (and actually during), my energy level was not the same and I continue to drag my ass for the rest of the day...even leaving a little early from work just to rest.  I ended up sleeping with my compression pants (again), but when I awoke this morning, I just didn't feel good.  Not sick but just an overwhelming feeling of fatigue.  As a result, I opted to skip my arm workout and just stay in bed.  Rare, but it happens.   I know I've been training a lot for a while and to boot, my diet is pretty taxing, so I just decided I would skip and see if it would help me recover some.   I know it's not much, but I also have tomorrow (Saturday) to recover for the most part.  

I did jump in a spin class led by Lauren today and Todd and Eddie were there with me.  I actually couldn't hold cadence at some point because of the fatigue I've been feeling, but I did the best that I could.  I meant to take it easy, but I think if I do, Lauren notices and makes all of us suffer.  HA HA.  I dug real deep for today's class, but I'm not sure if it was really helpful or hurtful in the sense that it is still keeping me in the OT state.  I didn't care.  As bad as it is, what's more difficult for me is not being able to eat given I like to maintain a certain ratio of intake to expenditure.   Less training (which we already saw in me not going to the gym this morning) means less food.  Crazy talk considering my carb intake is probably a little too low (except on Valentines Day).  Now I feel like crap, but again, it's all downhill until Sunday's training ride.  Hopefully, I'll be in the 90+ percentile with regard to my energy level by least I hope my legs to be.  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Shoulders and Lunch Ride

This morning was my shoulder workout and it was a pretty good one.  I was able to actually work up a sweat due to the high fast reps during my dumbell raises (front and side) blowing out 30-50 reps per set.  I only did one pressing exercise, and keeping it light also let me push the intensity level pretty high.  I did do pyramid sets for most of the exercises, but not to high in weights during the top.  I also did a drop set on my pressing movement.  The more I change things up, the more I hope my muscles to respond. 

For cardio today, I plan to ride during lunch with the guys barring any more foul weather.  Hopefully, the roads will be dry enough.  I do want to train on flats in preparation for the crits, so let's see if we an do a Portola or Triple BB run today.  My legs should be better, but I may wear my compression pants just in case. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Yesterday, Leg Day and More Cardio

Despite feeling tired and wanting to rest yesterday and skip cardio, I still made it into the gym for lunch and jumped in Madison's spin class.  I tried to ask Lisa to lunch, but she wanted to wait for our "date" until dinner.  Knowing I'd be eating real food, I decided to create a deficit so I can eat freely.  I was thinking of taking it easy on the spin bike, but that never happens as planned.  I had a good sweat going again by the end of class.

Today, I worked my legs but I focused a lot on my calves and quads.  I pretty much blew both of them out as much as I could, so I didn't have any time to do my hammies.  I could barely walk after, and my shirt was full of sweat.  Great workout. 

For today's cardio, which I still planning on doing, is probably going to end up being another spin sesh.  I was thinking of riding my bike to make up for yesterday, but the forecast calls for rain.  Plus, I think my calves will probably explode if I ride.  After last week's fiasco, I think I'll wait until tomorrow to ride and see how that goes. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Back Day and Ummm...

It's Valentines day, so it was nice to get in the gym this morning with Lisa.  I got my back worked out and had some pretty solid sets.  I was able to get into the mode where I would stop thinking it was all I could do, but then push through for a few more reps.  I was a little worried since my lower back and glutes felt less than 100%, but they never became a factor.  I was even able to work my lower back and abs subsequently. 

Now for lunch today, I'm contemplating the idea of skipping a ride altogether.  Yesterday, I did get on the spin bike in lieu of running, but got a wild hair up my ass and decided that I would stay off the seat for the length of training (1 hr) and pedal with a cadence matching the beat of my music...except during the last 3 minutes for cool down.  In the end, I felt worked.  What's funny is I couldn't even run to the car last night when I walked out of the office and it was raining. Maybe I'll spin.  Maybe I'll go to lunch. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ride Analysis, Chest and Lunch Cardio

The ride on Saturday was a bit more taxing than I expected.  I didn't expect to have to eat and drink as much, but I ended up eating all my gels (3), a PB&J at the SAG, and 3 bottles of electrolytes along with 1.5 packages of Shot Bloks.  The winds made the ride so much harder than in the past, and the guys pushing the pace not willing to ride with others too much for probably about 70% of the route.  My legs felt okay at the end, but yesterday and this morning I'm feeling the fatigue. 

Although tired, I made it in to the gym and got my chest worked out.  I got 6 chest exercises in including a couple repeated sets of push ups to failure.  I also got my lower back and abs worked.  Overall, it was a good workout but strength was down for sure.

For lunch, I may run but I may just sit on the spin bike.  I haven't decided yet.  I will do something though just to get back on track.  If my legs are feeling a little tight, I'll just spin. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Baselining, Arms, and Then....

I think for this week, I blew it in terms of prepping for this weekend's ride.  Well, so I didn't exactly blow it, but I sure don't have the confidence heading into it as I normally would.  One of the things that make the ride more predictable is when I have consistency (or a baseline) such that my diet, my training, etc., are constant.  This week, my training has been pretty constant but I cleaned up my diet a lot this week where my calories/carbs are done.  The absence of carbs always makes me feel a little more tired and a lot sooner, but I've still been pushing as hard as I could.  Whatever I'm doing wrong, I need to figure it out in the next 2 days. 

I did my arms this morning and focused mostly on my biceps.  I'm saving my triceps since they tend to get worked when I'm on my drops a lot on a long bike ride, especially when I'm off the seat.  I noticed that my biceps seemed more defined, so maybe the diet has helped to lean me out some. 

For lunch time, this is where I'm not sure what I want to do.  Part of me thinks I should rest and let my legs feel recovered (as they still don't yet and my left calf is still twinging) or should I just back down the intensity and take it easy in spin class.  I'm leaning toward the latter because THAT is what I've been doing leading up to the last few rides.  However, I'm really nervous since the norm is that I do not cramp on such a simple ride.  I'll be ready for the spin, but I may end up doing nothing and just relaxing.  I write about it tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Saving Legs, Trained Shoulders

I thought I'd save my legs for this weekend's century, so this morning I opted to work on shoulders instead.  Went back to the fast low intensity high rep mode and had a great workout as a result.  My shoulders were definitely feeling the pain  after a few of those high rep sets.  I also got my core worked out, so it was a complete day of training. 

One thing I thought I'd share was the importance of establishing a focal point during the exercise.  This is both visually and mentally.  I do this often where I just look at an object and stare at it while I let my mind focus on what I'm trying to accomplish as well as what will motivate me to do more reps while ignoring the pain.

My legs are a little tight given the riding/spinning for the last 3 day, but I will probably bring my bike in and go out for a ride during lunch.  Nothing crazy I hope.  Just need to keep the blood circulating.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Light Back and a Good Chance of Rain

I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep right away.  When I awoke this morning, I had a splitting headache.  Neither of these, however, prevented me from getting in the gym.  Thanks to some coffee and ibuprofen, I still got my back workout on.  It was nice that it was a lighter workout, and I still got a good burn in.  4 exercises for back and 2 for core done. 

For lunch time, there is rain in the forecast today, so I'm doubtful I'll be able to get a ride in.  I'll bring in my bike just in case.  Otherwise, I'll jump in the Tuesday spin class.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Light Chest and Spin Bike

For today I went back to the light weights and will once again start focusing on speed vs. strength.  I want to also start working on getting leaner so that when it's race season, I'll be in top shape.  I think the only way to be competitive is to be lean.  Weighing 151 on Friday was not ideal, so my new target weight is 146.  I hope to achieve this by March.  The chest workout was good and I squeezed out some extra pushups at the end.  I also got my core workout in.

For lunch, I want to get on the spin bike and keep the blood flowing to my legs.  Yesterday's ride did have them feel worked after, but wearing my compression pants helped a lot.  My legs should be good to go for a spin. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dehydration, Arms and Spin

While I trained my calves heavy on Wednesday, I was hoping that they would be okay given I skipped my cardio that day.  However, during yesterday's ride, both of them started to cramp up at the top of Ridgeline, so I'm wondering if I'm experiencing some bout of dehydration or mineral imbalance.  I wouldn't worry too much normally given I sometimes expect this after a leg day, but the fact that it also happened Tuesday raises some concern.  I suppose I can try to increase my hydration through today, but the last thing I want is to have it happen again during our Sunday training...especially if we do end up doing Como Street.

For this morning, I got in the gym but forgot my iPod.  While I don't depend on others to get me going in the gym, I do depend on 3 things:  water, gum, and my iPod.  Missing the latter made my workout less than stellar.  I was able to push through though and get my arms worked out, both biceps and triceps, and followed that up with an ab workout.  Good enough for today.

For my lunch training, I will be going to Lauren's spin class at work.  I'm looking forward to having her kick my ass again.   She's good at that.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mixed Mode Shoulder and Lunch Ride

For this morning's training, I continued the "mixed mode" I've been using the last couple days on my shoulders.  I was a little distracted mentally for some reason though, which may have inhibited my efforts somewhat, but I guess I still got a pretty good workout.  I just wish I was a little more checked in where I could focus more, but this was just not one of those mornings.  4 exercises completed for my shoulders and 2 exercises for core.  I think I need more recovery time with the heavy set, or I just wasn't going as fast based on mental issues. 

For the lunch training, it'll be on the bike but I don't know what course to suggest just yet.  My legs feel pretty decent considering I skipped a cardio session yesterday...that and the fact that I wore my compression pants on all day and night.  Looking forward to it. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Leg Day

My legs felt tired yesterday morning, but they held up pretty well during our lunch ride.  Unusually, my left calf did start to cramp at one point but it didn't persist.  I may be having some dehydration issues, which prompted that cramp, but other symptoms I've had since was getting dizzy when I would stand up as well as getting worked really fast when I tried to play Dance Central 2 with my kids last night.  Sigh.

This morning, I wish I had jumped into my compression pants the night before since I woke up still feeling like my legs weren't 100%.  I still made it to the gym and got my workout in, but I don't know if it was my best effort or not.  I tried though.  I did my mixed intensity training on legs, but doing the heavy set was not as good as last week's heavy sets.  We'll see how they respond. 

I have a lunch date, so I'll be skipping my cardio today.  I could bring clothes just in case.  HA HA