Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Healing Back, Back Day and Lunch Ride

My lower back seems to be improving, although I still feel it's susceptible to being injured.  It didn't get in the way of my training this morning, which coincidentally is a back day.  I was able to do some rows even, but I did lighten up a bunch.  I also trained for speed today just like yesterday, and this will be the mode moving forward for a while.  Hopefully, it'll be helpful during race season.  I got 4 exercises done along with completing my core exercises.

For lunch, I'm hoping for a good run out.  My legs feel better than they did last week, so the shorter miles over the weekend probably helped.  I did work with Eddie yesterday in the spin room, but I'm hoping that it will not affect my performance during lunch.  I'm contemplating a hill route vs. a Portola run, so we'll see what the guys want to do and go from there.

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