Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mixed Mode Shoulder and Lunch Ride

For this morning's training, I continued the "mixed mode" I've been using the last couple days on my shoulders.  I was a little distracted mentally for some reason though, which may have inhibited my efforts somewhat, but I guess I still got a pretty good workout.  I just wish I was a little more checked in where I could focus more, but this was just not one of those mornings.  4 exercises completed for my shoulders and 2 exercises for core.  I think I need more recovery time with the heavy set, or I just wasn't going as fast based on mental issues. 

For the lunch training, it'll be on the bike but I don't know what course to suggest just yet.  My legs feel pretty decent considering I skipped a cardio session yesterday...that and the fact that I wore my compression pants on all day and night.  Looking forward to it. 

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